Mbizz wrote: » You still need rank up advice after 100% act 5? And to be told which dungeon crystal to pick? Sounds like a humblebrag.
TheSquish671 wrote: » R2 that 6* juggs
Player1994 wrote: » AA all the way to r5 with the 4to 5 gem Bring that 5* sl to r4 with the 5* mystic gem i only saw mephisto in there
Sounds like a humblebrag.
I mean for variant difficulty and whatnot
Bring that 5* sl to r4
with the 5* mystic gem i only saw mephisto in there
Can’t I can only hold 2 t5b
I would definitely not 5/65 AA. He’s not versatile enough, and the matchups that he destroys, he destroys well enough at rank 4.
Ohhhhh! 4* AA! Yes. Definitely rank him to 5/50.