All the gods are going come in saying stop crying, save a billion of them, spin your crystals better, grow your roster.. or something like that. But yeah, the drops have sucked pretty bad lately. An ally member recent opened 2m bc’s UC arena crystals got 1500 units. I havent been getting **** from but havent had many lately neither since havent been grinding arena.
i got units 4 times in a row the other day, sorry rng is killing you atm, there will be times when you get really lucky however, keep grinding them.
Then 100k yesterday and got 300 units.
It's all rng.
Ive recently popped 100k got 750 units and a 4* punisher.
Ill say it again like the other 1000s of people its all rng.
Your entire lifetime of playing the game averages out.