A suggestion and discussion about ds

@Kabam Miike
As kabam said nerfing is what to make champ not too op on that game in which we just rely on few champ.so they nerf or balance them and also they said if champ did not going to right performance as they want they could work on them.
So i thought most of us one of complain is about dr strange.highly nerf champ on 12.0 update.even bw is still better but strange is what which nerf whole.he is still usable but with the champ around constant and high power gain he is kinda below in that list.
1.The only thing i really want first is his power gain either his power gain should return to 7sec or make him to get power from normal hit too.
2.fate seal time is low so increase duration of fate seal in select phase buff.
3.his regen is not much so increase his hp steal by either flat 40 to 50 hp more at r5 or make his life steal as direct damage or power burn.
Hopefully that could be implied or look out.option 1st and 3rd could be look out more.
As kabam said nerfing is what to make champ not too op on that game in which we just rely on few champ.so they nerf or balance them and also they said if champ did not going to right performance as they want they could work on them.
So i thought most of us one of complain is about dr strange.highly nerf champ on 12.0 update.even bw is still better but strange is what which nerf whole.he is still usable but with the champ around constant and high power gain he is kinda below in that list.
1.The only thing i really want first is his power gain either his power gain should return to 7sec or make him to get power from normal hit too.
2.fate seal time is low so increase duration of fate seal in select phase buff.
3.his regen is not much so increase his hp steal by either flat 40 to 50 hp more at r5 or make his life steal as direct damage or power burn.
Hopefully that could be implied or look out.option 1st and 3rd could be look out more.