Which Champion to 5/65 for Labyrinth

dfmoore26dfmoore26 Member Posts: 105
I have yet to do any Labyrinth of Legends runs, but am preparing to do my first run through. I'm looking to take a champion to 5/65 for this task. Please help me figure out the best option and why. Thank you for your help

Which Champion to 5/65 for Labyrinth 19 votes

Blade (Sig 100)
GamerTheManMythLegendbuffajrCornholioallinashesStucatCrazyjack719RasiloverVulcanMCoachLedMaatttyy 11 votes
Carnage (Sig 130)
SpeedbumpFoxhero007Darkrider05RicemanThatOneMasterGamerFooshblalalasvssdevark9HULK_ 8 votes
Sentinel (Unduped)
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