They can help you grind arenas, but that's it. She-Hulk actually has a fun (for me) gameplay. Spidergwen is (also to me) deeply irritating with her non-damaging SP1. If you can remember when you play her to wait until SP2, she does good damage. IF....
She Hulk is decent for a couple of things
1. Parry Heavy Attack gives her a fury which does lots of damage
2. Second Special has a pretty big chance for a long stun. 4 Mediums strong attack
3. Everything else is bad
They can help you grind arenas, but that's it. She-Hulk actually has a fun (for me) gameplay. Spidergwen is (also to me) deeply irritating with her non-damaging SP1. If you can remember when you play her to wait until SP2, she does good damage. IF....
Actually that's what I faced as a problem too during a dungeon fight. You will have to wait a bit too long for special 2 because special 1 isn't for damage purpose at all. Her armour break and speed is good but that all, you have to work very hard with them.
I just played my Spidygwen against a stronger Hyperion. The fact what I really disliked about her was that you need TONS of patience to use her. You will have to stay on defense most time to activate her hunter or trap mode . But things get interesting after the Special 2 as she deals good damage and stuns too.
Never liked SG but had SH as my top fighter and she was my only four star a long time ago. Think she’s underrated. Not great but not trash, a solid mid-level brawler. I was usually able to get a string of stuns using her heavy attack that basically froze the opponent and let me take them out.
1. Parry Heavy Attack gives her a fury which does lots of damage
2. Second Special has a pretty big chance for a long stun. 4 Mediums strong attack
3. Everything else is bad
Actually that's what I faced as a problem too during a dungeon fight. You will have to wait a bit too long for special 2 because special 1 isn't for damage purpose at all. Her armour break and speed is good but that all, you have to work very hard with them.