Hacked id

Guys my id was hacked by some person and he sold my 4* champs and i am ruined and now i have to start everything from beginning please kabam help me to restore my champs i have done a lot of hardwork for gathering them


  • Gimli_SoGGimli_SoG Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2017
    Submit a support ticket from inside the game bro, this is the wrong place for help with that
  • NoobeeusNoobeeus Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Did he have your password?
  • Kabam SpiceKabam Spice Moderator Posts: 344
    Sorry to hear! You'll need to contact customer support, as we cannot assist with account-specific issues here in the forums. You can do this by clicking on the grey gear in the top left corner of the game, and then clicking 'contact support'. They'll be able to review your account history and see what's going on.

    Closing this thread as this isn't the place to discuss account specific issues, but they will be able to assist you!

This discussion has been closed.