Which champion?

Hello everyone, I really need some help. I have a scarlet witch 4* r4 that I want to bring up to r5 BUT the same day I got the resources I opened a 4* dr. Voodoo AND a 5* dormanu. I can therefore upgrade a 4* to max which would be my 2nd max 4* or get my first r3 five star. The scarlet is awakened and has sig of 15 (I got 23 mystic sigs in my inventory). I also have a mystic awakening gem for my voodoo. I REALLY don’t know what to do. I like all the characters equally so I need some help from you guys (I linked some pictures of my current roster and imventory etc.)

Yes it's because Dr Voodoo is available as 5*. Also I wouldn't put too much stock in that tier list, it's good for reference but in the end it is your choice so you should go with who you like better. I have both 4* SW and Dr Voodoo, but only my SW is at r5 because I like her much better than Dr V. The reason I prefer SW is because on top of having a lot of utility she can hit harder than any other 4* and damage output counts for a lot in this game. She can get you through a lot of difficult content quickly because she can deal damage fast. Dr V is good, however he does not have the significant damage output that SW does. The one thing that I really like about Dr V is his power control, so if that's what you're looking for I would rank him. However, if you're just looking for an all around good champion SW is that champ.
Sw Ability is chaos so you could pretty much get anything I have a max 4* sig 99 (higher sig better chance of buffs) and she is amazing hits like a truck and regains better than wolverine sometimes. But a 5* duped dr voodoo r4 for certain nodes and champs might be better in end game . Remember Seatins list is his opinion but for where you are in the game if you have a 60+ sig sw max her out like yesterday you wont regret it mutant crit team or any cosmic and hit that sp2 and its easy street.