Are any of the recent bugs going to be addressed by forum moderators?

Auto evade bug, parry timing off, evade timing off, unresponsive champs, champs breaking through blocks, etc.
There always seems to be a **** load of bugs with every other new update. Why? Not a device issue. I'm playing on an iPhone 7+
I really try to refrain from even posting on here anymore, as I haven't in a while, because it seems that the plea's of the community tend to fall on deaf ears...
There always seems to be a **** load of bugs with every other new update. Why? Not a device issue. I'm playing on an iPhone 7+
I really try to refrain from even posting on here anymore, as I haven't in a while, because it seems that the plea's of the community tend to fall on deaf ears...
If I lose half health due to a dropped block or missed evade or otherwise frozen champ, I'm not buying the potsvor using the revives to fix them. I'll do that when it's my fault; I don't when it's the games.