I come to recruit for my alliance, I stay to complain about everything else lol. Good example. I just pulled 5 star groot again and buy am I salty about it. And here i thought once was bad enough, the second time is like eating tuna casserole leftovers blech.
I should've picked ENTERTAINMENT, but yeah — I really come to read a lot of these people who think they're so high and mighty because they are UNCOLLECTED!!
Oh look at me, I beat the Collector, doh — you're below me — those guys can really be huge d's sometimes
I come here for a variety of reasons, but mainly I enjoy posting good ideas for the game. Such as adding T3BC and T3CC to the glory store, or potential buffs to certain champs who are bad and need them. Such an example is my idea to give hulk buster an ability similar to blades danger sense, which activates against XL sized opponents
You forgot the "to ask for rank down tickets".
Oh look at me, I beat the Collector, doh — you're below me — those guys can really be huge d's sometimes