Expiring T2A

CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
edited November 2018 in General Discussion
I keep ending up with expiring T2A and I don't know what to use it for. I've only been playing casually and don't rank aggressively but even so I never seem to have a champ really worth investing into.

I recently blew T2As on Juggernaut because I also had expiring mystic T4C and I have him highly duped but he's utter garbage and only useful for arena. I keep hoping for a good dupe from a 5* crystal but I never seem to get a champ I want. Personally I really want a champ to be duped if I'm going to be using such rare resources.

At the moment I'm debating R5ing one of the following 5* (all duped and 4/55) :

Doc Ock
Red Hulk

I'm leaning AA because he's probably my favorite champ (along with Doc Ock) and I could conceivably pull one of the others as a 6* someday and they don't necessarily need their dupe to be great. Unfortunately, it seems Kabam is trying to make AA irrelevant lately. (Although he was my MVP in the recent uncollected quest)

I also have a 6* IMIW that I was lucky enough to get and I really like playing with him but I frankly like my other champs mentioned above better and they've been more useful for me.

Beyond that here are unduped 5* I'm considering:


The rest of my 43 5* are pretty much trash (The usual suspects Groot, Cyclops, Iron Patriot, BPCW, Colossus, etc.)

I have a generic awakening gem and a skill awakening gem. I'm not a big fan of Gwenpool as a character so I've been saving my Skill gem for Killmonger or Thor or maybe even Aegon. The generic I've debated using on Vision or Void. But there are only two generics in the whole game and I'm worried if I use the gem on Void I'll pull him from a crystal. (I've used awakening gems on two of my top 4 champs and I ended up duping one of them from a crystal because that's how it goes with this game.) Vision won't come from a crystal but if I'm patient I think some day Kabam might bring another Vision offer.

Again I really just would love to dupe one of these guys and then my decision would be easy but RNG has not been in my favor. I'm starting to really lose interest in the game again so would appreciate any suggestions.


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  • Hanger_29Hanger_29 Member Posts: 25
    Don't be afraid to make a decision and stick with it. Otherwise you're going to end up holding resources for the next better option until you completely lose interest in the game.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    R5 Domino.

    You need to plan out the content you do so you don't end up in this situation. I know a lot of people run into this problem when they just go straight for act 5 completion.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    Hanger_29 wrote: »
    Don't be afraid to make a decision and stick with it. Otherwise you're going to end up holding resources for the next better option until you completely lose interest in the game.

    Good advice. Thanks.

    This kind of makes me lean Void - with the thought that I would eventually take him to R5.
    R5 Domino.

    You need to plan out the content you do so you don't end up in this situation. I know a lot of people run into this problem when they just go straight for act 5 completion.

    Really - Domino over AA?

    Believe it or not I do try and plan but RNG has just been so bad and you start getting bored. I put off finishing Act 5 for the longest time for this reason but eventually I just said ah screw it - I'm finishing it. And that's how I ended up with an R4 Juggs LOL.
  • TwmRTwmR Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    @CammonRo I used my awakening gem from act 5 on void and made him my first r5 and have no regrets. He is an absolute beast and definitely one of the champs most desrving of an awakening gem
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    @TwmR Thanks for sharing that. That helps!
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    I have 6* thor and 5* r4 gp, gp is much better by herself than thor with all good synergies (both not awakened). with gp you can power lock, and her sig shuts down any def ability. gp > thor for almost anything. maybe because thor is trash
    as for AA, because of meta shifting away from blade, any bleed champ will suffer from it. void, domino, docock and vision are all solid options. I have to choose between hulk, sl, psylock and magneto atm
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Aleor wrote: »
    I have 6* thor and 5* r4 gp, gp is much better by herself than thor with all good synergies (both not awakened). with gp you can power lock, and her sig shuts down any def ability. gp > thor for almost anything. maybe because thor is trash
    as for AA, because of meta shifting away from blade, any bleed champ will suffer from it. void, domino, docock and vision are all solid options. I have to choose between hulk, sl, psylock and magneto atm

    I think terminology is very important. GP ennervates, she does not power lock. But GP is a solid choice both for rank and awakening. She was my first R4 then forgot all about her. Then when variant came around she was crucial for a lot of the fights with her ennervate and ability to tank L3s (provided there’s no additional effects).
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    edited November 2018
    Aleor wrote: »
    I have 6* thor and 5* r4 gp, gp is much better by herself than thor with all good synergies (both not awakened). with gp you can power lock, and her sig shuts down any def ability. gp > thor for almost anything. maybe because thor is trash
    as for AA, because of meta shifting away from blade, any bleed champ will suffer from it. void, domino, docock and vision are all solid options. I have to choose between hulk, sl, psylock and magneto atm

    If I dupe GP from a crystal, I'll rank her up for sure. I don't hate her. I just can't bring myself to use my gem on her as I think she's a goofy character.

    Also my understanding is her ability reduction from her dupe is not very good? Besides I figure I got bleed and reduction covered with AA. Her enervate is not a true power lock and won't help against characters like Hype or certain node buffs. Whereas my Doc Ock has pretty good power control capabilities especially if I pair him with Electro which keeps his research from resetting to zero. (Doc Ock is a little bugged though - his life steal doesn't really work reliably so that's a strike against him).

    I'm a big Thor fan and unfortunately there's no 5* version of cosmic Thor. (Unless Kabam releases a crystal like they did for BW, DS etc.) I do know that unawakened the new Thor really is trash so if I had to, I'd feel good about using the gem on him. My condolences on pulling Thor as a 6* because the odds of duping him are that much lower. He also needs a high sig and 6* sig stones don't exist. Kabam really needs to release Thor Infinity War with Stormbreaker. New Cap and Iron Man are so awesome but Thor fans kind of got gypped.

    For a skill champ, I really want Killmonger though. Also curious to see how people like playing with Aegon.
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