Rank up question!!

heyoitsmeheyoitsme Member Posts: 45
Not sure what my best option is, opinions?

I haven't completed act 5, realm, or labyrinth.

Rank up question!! 15 votes

Rank up 4* wolverine to rank 5 (unduped)
Rank up 4* sabertooth to rank 5 (unduped)
MrBanks 1 vote
Wait like 2 days to get enough T4CC and rank up 5* stark spidey to rank 3 (unduped)
DNA3000D_S_csexton00Crimsontide1616AlexanderpspKillerRino19sbdjdkFhfjghhggggjfhfjgTivjyotẞlооdVoodooch1dmrcyrcleEsket1t_420iLachBrainCells 14 votes


  • D_S_D_S_ Member Posts: 159
    Wait like 2 days to get enough T4CC and rank up 5* stark spidey to rank 3 (unduped)
    Sparky 100% No debate
  • sbdjdksbdjdk Member Posts: 178
    Wait like 2 days to get enough T4CC and rank up 5* stark spidey to rank 3 (unduped)
    Stark Spidey of course, save the mutant t4cc for a good 5 star mutant too
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Wait like 2 days to get enough T4CC and rank up 5* stark spidey to rank 3 (unduped)
    Sabretooth is great too. Check out Seatin's rank up and gameplay video and you'll see. He uses a 4* as well.

    But Sparky first no doubt.
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