5.1M Alliance Looking for Active Players MAP 5, AW

Current 5.1M alliance looking for active players.
Now a little about the group, we are currently looking for new members. We have approximately 23 (of 28) active members who communicate very well and work together as a team to complete events/AQ/AW. As anyone knows who plays the game, this allows for 2 BG clears in AQ (for sure), with occasional 3rd currently. We will run 2 BGs in AW until we have the right people. Are you the right person? We are looking for like minded people to help push us further in the game and grow with us.
With the addition of active members who communicate well, it will allow us to progress to Map 5 x 5, as well as improve our AW rating (Tier 9), the importance has been on AQ to grow the alliance. We will be running AW 3x a week starting Wednesday when it opens back up.
We rank in SA weekly. Rank in Completion, Item Use always
If you are interested, please contact me.
Contact me - IGN: Jsnook; LINE ID - jsnook2
- LINE for communication - Communication is required
- Active Daily - AQ participation (joining and staying engaged through entirety), AW participation
- Donations - Map5 x3 Map 3x2 (80k gold, 17.5k BC, 7.5 loyalty)
- At least 10 - R4 4*
Now a little about the group, we are currently looking for new members. We have approximately 23 (of 28) active members who communicate very well and work together as a team to complete events/AQ/AW. As anyone knows who plays the game, this allows for 2 BG clears in AQ (for sure), with occasional 3rd currently. We will run 2 BGs in AW until we have the right people. Are you the right person? We are looking for like minded people to help push us further in the game and grow with us.
With the addition of active members who communicate well, it will allow us to progress to Map 5 x 5, as well as improve our AW rating (Tier 9), the importance has been on AQ to grow the alliance. We will be running AW 3x a week starting Wednesday when it opens back up.
We rank in SA weekly. Rank in Completion, Item Use always
If you are interested, please contact me.
Contact me - IGN: Jsnook; LINE ID - jsnook2