Best Hype counters

AngusMac279AngusMac279 Member Posts: 123
Best Hype counters for champion clash


  • DavidAvenger20DavidAvenger20 Member Posts: 19
    Magik power lock should do the trick. Dr. Voodoo power burn with sp2. Ghost Rider using sp2 to keep his power low (build up judgements so you have a long sp2). Void to stop the power gain. Stark Spidey using taunt to get the specials out of Hype. Iceman while making sure you have ice armor on or else you'll get wrecked. Luke Cage with indestructible ready if needed. Hawkeye sp1 rinse and repeat.

    Hope this helps. Good luck with the challenge!!
  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
  • Severus35Severus35 Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2018
    I went in with Killmonger : his Sp2 grants indestructible charges. Bait Hype's Sps until you can get to your Sp2. Launch it and you can take as much Sp3s as needed. :)

    Since i brought Sabertooth for the Iceman fight, i had a nice synergy bonus : '+30% power rate when hitting opponents suffering from a debuff'. If Hyperion is bleeding, your Sp2s will come way faster.

    Edit for more solutions : awakened Gwenpool can't die from SP3s, Luke Cage can tank Sp3s (if awakened) and his exhaustion charges can reverse power gain, Void can reverse power gain etc..
  • Simmons253Simmons253 Member Posts: 40
    Scarlet Witch! Best Hyperion counter in my experience and for Medusa. She nullifies his power gain and her furies. Just my opinion.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    Red mag will take a few, the poor mans GP/iceman etc.
  • Unk0wn_S0ldierUnk0wn_S0ldier Member Posts: 53
    I've been using my duped 5/50 Luke Cage. On the second last path of Heavyweight now. His exhaustion charges works great to counter Hype's power gain (provided RNG holds up), has the security to tank Hype's sp3, though i haven't really needed it. Feels like i have become (dare i say it)......a master baiter of his specials.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Juggernaut and Thor Jane Foster. Stack those staggers man!
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    I made a video because I was laughing so hard my phone dropped out of my hands and flew towards the wall. Was possessed I say.

    Went in using Icemnan. Plan was to use Icemnans Armor/Safeguard from SP3, just in case I couldn’t draw out sp2 fast enough. (Drawing out sp1 really not an option here)

    This power gaining monster made a slushy machine out of my IceMan... then lasered the tiny pebbles into steam and inhaled them.

    I got hit with Four SP3 attacks...dodged as many sp2s.. plus one or two sp1s.. no good.

    Normally, one SP3 from this monster will firmly implant the last thing that goes through a champions mind when it hits a wall going 500MPH. His feet. 5* r5, 6*. Mush.

    IceMan tho. Nope. His armour allows em to absorb the majority of the attack. Only thing that kept getting me is having to draw specials and pray my armor reactivated in time to prevent said damage. Three to four SP3s later and cornered, madly tryna dodge when I’m slammed with that final sp atk, just before armor forms, or he shows off and throws a heavy. Which also normally is a head shot, insta kill.

    If anyone else has luck unsung this method, please let me know. Thanks.
  • ManfréaBolgenManfréaBolgen Member Posts: 139
    sw (nullify) , magik (power lock), venom (buff steal), loki (buff steal), iceman (ice armor), mephisto (soul imprisonment)... there are more but these are the ones I use
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★
    BeginthEnd wrote: »
    I made a video because I was laughing so hard my phone dropped out of my hands and flew towards the wall. Was possessed I say.

    Went in using Icemnan. Plan was to use Icemnans Armor/Safeguard from SP3, just in case I couldn’t draw out sp2 fast enough. (Drawing out sp1 really not an option here)

    This power gaining monster made a slushy machine out of my IceMan... then lasered the tiny pebbles into steam and inhaled them.

    I got hit with Four SP3 attacks...dodged as many sp2s.. plus one or two sp1s.. no good.

    Normally, one SP3 from this monster will firmly implant the last thing that goes through a champions mind when it hits a wall going 500MPH. His feet. 5* r5, 6*. Mush.

    IceMan tho. Nope. His armour allows em to absorb the majority of the attack. Only thing that kept getting me is having to draw specials and pray my armor reactivated in time to prevent said damage. Three to four SP3s later and cornered, madly tryna dodge when I’m slammed with that final sp atk, just before armor forms, or he shows off and throws a heavy. Which also normally is a head shot, insta kill.

    If anyone else has luck unsung this method, please let me know. Thanks.

    I used iceman for this fight. Need to revive him twice in total for all 6 fights. You have to just hit 2/3 times max to bait out a lvl1. Most fights u should take no more than 3 lvl3’s if u bait well and hit into his block to push him
  • AngusMac279AngusMac279 Member Posts: 123
    thanks for the help, I'm currently using iceman just wanted to know about other options cause he can still get it if you don't have an sp3 ready and ice armor hasn't reformed
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    It’s hilarious to see Thor Jane foster and juggernaut be considered top options, anyways, I’m here with my obligatory Hood answer because he’s better than those other two, and doesn’t rely on heavy attacks that you can’t get off because he’s stun immune....
  • MhykkeMhykke Member Posts: 431 ★★★
    Void..1 petrify debuff and his power gain is very slow. 2 petrify debuffs and it's completely shut down. Love fighting hype with void.
  • krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
    Honestly, this is one of the best teams for the current challenge -

    Iceman (Hyperion, Corvus, Void)
    Mephisto (Iceman, Hyperion, Corvus, The Champion)
    Blade (Magik, Corvus, Void)
    Dr VooDoo (The Champion)
    Cap IW (The Champion, Iceman)
  • JgrnotJgrnot Member Posts: 46
    If he’s on your roster, Sym Supreme (mines duped 5/50) eats him alive. Spam L3.
  • TRSIMPTRSIMP Member Posts: 173
    Luke Cage. His exhaustion debuffs reduce power gain and he can tank SP3s
  • MrBanksMrBanks Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Hood. Stagger renders his power gain to useless.
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