What team to use?

Bc10551Bc10551 Member Posts: 52
Hey guys I know a lot of you are a lot more knowledgeable about this game and what characters to use so I wanted some advice on what team to use for Act 4 100% or starting Act 5. mdu9l2vbv5ak.png
Thanks for the help!


  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    ultron is double immune and has good regain so he's a safe bet for some nodes and paths. Sabertooth and killmoger synergy pretty much does everything yondu healblock and bleeds them to death spidey evade and damage and hawkeye power drain and bleed and get that SL awakened asap. Try rank up spark saber and kill to 4/40
  • Bc10551Bc10551 Member Posts: 52
    @godsquad891 Thanks for the advice and do you mean to 5/50? I've been struggling to get even 1 T4CC per month atm our alliance gets like 10m points each AQ and wins like every other war. Any tips?
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    edited November 2018
    use your glory to buy shards/crystals and hit master eq hard 4/40 should be enough with the right new power champs to finish off act 4 but you will need 5/50 4*s in act 5 unless you have deep stores or pockets
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    I'm currently on 4.3.2 on my second account using one 4* awakened 5/50 blade 4/40 awakened hype
    sabretooth imiw and capiw and mephisto and kill depending on node or path and ive recent ranked 4/40 wolverine to save some health pots and got an 4* ultron for double immiunity lanes as I have no iceman or I can use Morningstar
  • MaatttyyMaatttyy Member Posts: 77
    Personally, I like Killmonger, Sabertooth, Spark, Hawkeye and Ultron
  • Bc10551Bc10551 Member Posts: 52
    What about Wasp? She can do a lot of damage really quickly and has a higher base attack than Sparky
  • Blubfish_666Blubfish_666 Member Posts: 237
    Killmonger is a God so keep him in mind as well
  • Bc10551Bc10551 Member Posts: 52
    Also what about Hulk Ragnarok instead of Ultron would that still be good? (I can also rank up champs but am confused on whether using Hawkeye and Ultron with the ones I'm set on using (Killmonger, Sabertooth, Sparky)
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