RE-WORK on Mastery Set Ups

Hello everyone.
I want to ask your opinion and possibly a support on something that bothering me for a very long time now.
Why is it...if we want to change a SINGLE mastery(or 2..what ever) we dont have an option to remove THAT preticular mastery(or by max that mastery tree).I personally think it is nonsence that you need to remove the WHOLE Mastery section OFFENCE/DENCE/PROFICIENCIES.I think Kabam needs to update the Mastery System and allow us to remove either a single mastery that we want/need to remove at that moment or at least allow us to remove the Mastery Tree that that preticular mastery belongs EXAMPLE: remove the Glass Cannon tree if we need to remove the suicides.
I personally think that the current system ONLY exsist to serve as another money grab,simply cuz we got limited mastery points and we can have MULTIPLE times a day where we need to change/swap our mastery points....where i am positive that regular players arent doing too often,cuz if we would be changing them EVERY time that we can benefit from it during our daily gameplay - we'd lose A LOT of Units on it(ppl who change masteries farely often - know what i'm talking about).
The current system is hurting our gameplay(at least it does the regular players,cuz we cannot allow ourselfs to be changing them as often as we want and this should NOT be the case).
PLZ people,i need your voice on this one.Unless a lot of us comes tru with this - the Kabam wont even look into it impo.
Kabam ppl - Please....we REALLY need you guys to make changes so we are able to ONLY remove the mastery we need,without removing the whole huge section of them.I think it is NONSENCE that current system doesnt allow this to players/COSTUMERS.
Thank you.


  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,113 ★★★★★
    It's set up that way because masteries were not intended to be changed very often. They weren't designed so people could switch to benefit an individual situation which is what would happen if they could but rather to create the overall best set up for you. That's why free mastery relocation is only given as a gift on certain events because switching to multiple setups like activating suicides for certain fights, then switching to enhanced regeneration for the next, then switching to a mystic dispersion build for the next, then a despair build is not an advantage masteries were designed to be.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    There was a time when it used to cost units to recover your mastery points. Want to respect your attack masteries? It's going to cost you 32 units to get started.

    At least they did away with that.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,510 ★★★★★
    I agree you shouldn't have to recall all the points, the game has changed so much you should be able to just move points from 1 mastery to another. The META has changed so much the game needs to follow. Either that or give us 3 different setups we can use, AQ, AW, Arena. That would be the best and we could switch accordingly.
  • VicFallenMonkVicFallenMonk Member Posts: 10
    Sungj wrote: »
    It's set up that way because masteries were not intended to be changed very often. They weren't designed so people could switch to benefit an individual situation which is what would happen if they could but rather to create the overall best set up for you. That's why free mastery relocation is only given as a gift on certain events because switching to multiple setups like activating suicides for certain fights, then switching to enhanced regeneration for the next, then switching to a mystic dispersion build for the next, then a despair build is not an advantage masteries were designed to be.

    I am playing this game for over 3 years and know the whole mastery history and development.Dont need to be reminded about it,simply because the way it was working before - was NOT supposend to be like that i the 1st place.
    Ones again...every other online(and not only) game has the option to remove the ONE AND ONLY mastery/skill points that you need to re-arrange points..and i dont see ANY reason that make ANY sence for us to EXAMPLE* :for removing Suicides - need to remove "THE WHOLE OFFENCE SECTION" instead of either removing the preticularry suicide masteries OR the "Glass Cannon TREE" wich suicide masteries belong to.
    I think this is VERY REASONABLE(i dont get to a fact that inalmost every other game it is FREE to re-arrange your masteries,or it cost GOLD,but most sertanly NOT the MOST important currancy in the game)
    So i think guys from Kabam should think about it...and make it for us as it should of have been in the 1st place.Cuz further in-game content goes(including all of the NEW Champions releases) - the MORE we can benefit from switching and re-arranging our masteries OFTEN.Like hunest to God...even today we can be switching them for our benefit EVERY DAY for different content.I am NOT asking for Kabam to remove the UNIT COST,i am asking to PLEASE...AT LEAST give us NOT to remove the WHOLE mastery section(1 of 3) if we need tp remove a SINGLE MASTERY.This is NONSENCE....ones again.
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    It’s free to respec large chunks of text into paragraphs.
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