T2a wall

I am a mid tier player that has run into a delima, I have 4 t5b but no T2a. I feel the glory store 1800 shards for 850 glory isn’t worth it. I think the amount in the glory store should at least be a 1/4 of a T2a for that amount or start adding more to uc difficulty. Other than the heavyweight overtime event I have no other place to get this much needed rank up material. I have already completed act 5 and nothing else gives T2a as a reward. So I guess I am asking for all us mid tier players to make t2a more avalible. Thank you for your time.
Man, what you need t2a for so urgently, you've got like the best team around. Take a seat and chill.
I did my initial LOL run with 5/50 Star Lord and Gwenpool. If you focus, you can get it done in a few hours and you'll have 4 more t2 alphas.
Also, don't worry so much about potions. Depending on your roster, you really don't need them. When 5/50 Star Lord was my main fighter, I only really needed potions for 3 fights: Falcon, War Machine, and Magik. And if you have certain counters, you won't even need those. Stick to L2 revives.