Looking for 1 Player (Plat3 in season 5 rank 27 / 110 in Aq
We are looking for skilful player
2 maxed 5*
7.5k prestige
Experienced tier2-3
Couple good defenders
Plays map6
Also obviously Skill!
We are pushing ourselves to get in plat2 upcoming season
My ign Batsii (you can search my ign to check our alliance or add me in game)
Line id : l3lackholes (Send me your profile / roster please, thanks)
2 maxed 5*
7.5k prestige
Experienced tier2-3
Couple good defenders
Plays map6
Also obviously Skill!
We are pushing ourselves to get in plat2 upcoming season
My ign Batsii (you can search my ign to check our alliance or add me in game)
Line id : l3lackholes (Send me your profile / roster please, thanks)