4th anniversary gift

Oh please kabam hear my prayers. No one that’s been playing the game for over a year wants a 4 star and a title for the 4th anniversary gift. No one! That’s not even a gift! We can’t use that in the current meta of the game! It’s not something we need and it’s not something we want. This post is form a person that has 90+ 4stars and find no use in a new mediocre one
Lol, a free 5* champion — probably won't see anything like it until they come out with 8* champions
Makes sense that if you’ve been a loyal player for two plus years, then receiving a 4* champ would be like giving a 3* champ to someone who’s been playing for one year, or a 2* champ for those who have only had an account for under 12 months. Arena fodder.
It would be great to receive anything at all, don’t get me wrong. All I’m saying is that if you’ve been playing for a very long time, it makes sense to get something that would be of use. Something that might be needed or wanted in some small way. Not asking for anything specific, or anything at all really, just my two cents.
Wish my lil symbiod would come back home for XMas. Had some good times.
Agreed, I wouldn't expect that either. But, I'll take whatever I get. It's better than nothing. If I could wish for something it would be mystic T4 catalysts...!
a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present.
"a Christmas gift"
synonyms: present, handout, donation, offering, bestowal, bonus, award, endowment; More
Act 2 completion
Act 3 completion
Act 4 completion
Elders bane
No one knows. Kabam legit said “wait and see” lmao
I personally would like to get a t4cc crystal or gold. Some sig stones. I'm not really in the market for new champs unless it's a 5 star but that's probably asking too much. Why not, give everybody an og 5 star hulk, its Christmas too yknow.
I'd rather get nothing if their idea of a free gift is something that will be of no use to me.
1000 units, 5000 glory, a stoney core, a T2 alpha, etc.
Those are gifts that benefit everyone in one way or another, long or short term.
I call dibs on their gifts since they don’t want them.
I'll throw in the mighty Groot and the game changing Howard the Duck!
Is that all? -.-
It's a start.
staying positive
Not true. Red Skull was worse than every champ before him this year