New champions

Pantelis_1997Pantelis_1997 Member Posts: 5
edited December 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
Hello there! I am playing here about 2 years. Although I like this game I have noticed that recently the upcoming champions are totally unknown. I already have read the wishlist part 3 and there are many great champions. In my view of points i am not interested at all of all this new champions although they seems to be strong. I want to play with known marvel champions for example quicksilver or human torch. So please stop create this champions and start create others. That's my opinion and as I know many others believe the same.


  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    edited December 2018
    Kabam has stories planned out that intertwine with each other. Champions that you never heard of might join because it’s all apart of this giant story
  • Pantelis_1997Pantelis_1997 Member Posts: 5
    OK I can accept that but they must create some known champions. Emma frost was a pleasant surprise for example. All I am asking is to don't focus only in there stories but also to the desires of they players
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    OK I can accept that but they must create some known champions. Emma frost was a pleasant surprise for example. All I am asking is to don't focus only in there stories but also to the desires of they players

    They are bringing in know champions. Just not well known. Night trashed and Darkhawk are C list r D listers. If they always bring in very well known characters, then there is no learning of marvel’s history. Bringing in some characters who are not as well known gives chances to learn about these characters who never heard of.
  • Iron_Patriot_is_litIron_Patriot_is_lit Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    I think the only time they added characters we all wanted was in September when they added korg, hiemdall, and red skull
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