Darkhawk interaction with Devices [Merged Threads]



  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious it is as we all in this thread feared.

    Now that players have him and placing him in AW or doing duels against him, the *instant* his shield pops on, the lag monster strikes.

    This is so game breaking on so many levels, yet, this seems to have been put on the back burner. :(

    I don't recall any other time when a champ breaks the game for people so they are unable to fight him fairly, that nothing is done about it. That first hotfix failed to fix the lag for lots of people, and still is crashing devices, and this really needs to be priority #1 for Kabam, or remove him from the game until a fix is found. Anything else is just not fair.

    To 100% master/uncollected event is just not doable, and a loss of rewards is guaranteed for us that have the issue.

    Will Kabam compensate us for this?
  • theinvadertheinvader Member Posts: 9
    I have Android phone the Dark Hawk fight in both master and uncollected mode became tough because of the lag. Even after update it was lagging a lot. It cost me my whole stash of revive and health potions.
  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    SparkAlot wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious it is as we all in this thread feared.

    Now that players have him and placing him in AW or doing duels against him, the *instant* his shield pops on, the lag monster strikes.

    This is so game breaking on so many levels, yet, this seems to have been put on the back burner. :(

    I don't recall any other time when a champ breaks the game for people so they are unable to fight him fairly, that nothing is done about it. That first hotfix failed to fix the lag for lots of people, and still is crashing devices, and this really needs to be priority #1 for Kabam, or remove him from the game until a fix is found. Anything else is just not fair.

    To 100% master/uncollected event is just not doable, and a loss of rewards is guaranteed for us that have the issue.

    Will Kabam compensate us for this?

    At this point I wish it was a bug that benefits us. At least it would have been fixed weeks ago
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  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    And? I have an Android and have no issues. Some people with iOS devices have issues while others don't. It's not something that is affecting every player, like the Ægon bug last month, so there's likely nothing more that Kabam will do.
  • CallmelaFleurCallmelaFleur Member Posts: 235 ★★
    Finally took my last path in master and I don't know why I expected the fight to go any different. Every swipe back to dodge is delayed. This is THE ONLY opponent that this happens. I can clear lanes in 5.4 and not use one single item. Yet in Master mode I can't clear a boss in 8 tries. Reason being, it is broken. I have a 50k PI team and my 5/65 Blade looks like he gets shot with a tranq dart the way he reacts when I swipe. Forget Uncollected this month.
  • Darth_StewieDarth_Stewie Member Posts: 390 ★★★
    I am just commenting because I want to make sure I'm in the club. Everything everyone is complaining about in regards to lag issues on my slightly older android has caused me to get my butt handed to me about every time I try to evade Darkhawks unblockable mode. I TOO have used a plethora amount of resources to beat DH just once but have become so frustrated that I have to quit. NEVER have i ever had an issue with the Master level until this.

    ....so I just wanted to throw my hat in and be included on the massive ranting and raving going on in regards to DH lag issue.

    It blows my mind that Kabam hasn't fixed this yet. This sets me behind when gathering rewards to build my champs and makes the game aggravating and boring. I spend too much money on this game to have such lack of service from Kabam.

    ...guess I'll just wait until next month to grind through the quest.

    Thanks Kabam...
  • UsernameBu775UsernameBu775 Member Posts: 3
    Cleared all the content in Master Mode until i reached the final boss.. this lag is killing the game..after reaching the final boss almost with full health on all champs.. can’t touch this guy .. lol.. probably this isn’t going to get fixed .. not trying anymore as i keeping losing health potions and revives..😔😔.. My first post just wanted it to be heared.. Cheers 🍻
  • Killmaster_9Killmaster_9 Member Posts: 27
    Hi people this is so cool to be here!
  • Killmaster_9Killmaster_9 Member Posts: 27
    Hi are we talking about Darkhawk well I do not have him in the game
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    9 days left in this quest none of the moderators have said anything in a week. This should show exactly how they feel about the player base, they know this game has been bugged for almost a month.
  • The_Mighty_ToeThe_Mighty_Toe Member Posts: 132
    This is such a train wreck. I used over 10 revives and spent several hundred units trying to figure out what turned into a massive failure by Kabam. I stopped attempting Master several weeks ago. I was able to do uncollected then finally tried master again three days ago. Same story.... Lag death on all five of my near full health team. Using an iPhone 8+.
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    Just another problem Kabam will ignore, the 4 year anniversary has to be one of the lowest points in the game so far.
    December 2018 Monthly Quest Master mood final boss "Darkhawk" have a lag starting fight on him. attacker cannot move or even block mood when Darkhawk is standing.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Hey All,

    We are still investigating these issues that some of you have raised after the hotfix. We have seen a significant drop in crashes related to Darkhawk, but it seems that some are still facing problems.

    We don't have anything new to add right now, but as soon as we do, we'll let you all know.

    We are stuck here? @Kabam Miike just tell us if another patch will come so we can finish this, this month, or is nothing planned?

  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    I just hope there is compensation to recoup the resources used. And not the usual skimpy rewards of a couple level 1 potions and revives.
  • sublime2323sublime2323 Member Posts: 21
    I'm using a Samsung Note 9 with 8gb of RAM. I'm using wifi with 100mbps connection. I am still getting lag in Master mode creating failed swipes. I can get to Darkhawk fine with almost completely full team health. Keep getting wrecked by sp2
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    SparkAlot wrote: »
    Hey All,

    We are still investigating these issues that some of you have raised after the hotfix. We have seen a significant drop in crashes related to Darkhawk, but it seems that some are still facing problems.

    We don't have anything new to add right now, but as soon as we do, we'll let you all know.

    We are stuck here? @Kabam Miike just tell us if another patch will come so we can finish this, this month, or is nothing planned?


    And if there is another fix coming, are you going to extend the time left to complete the Event Quest? Little over 8 days left at the time I'm posting this, going to be really bummed if I'm going to miss a whole Monthly EQ set of Rewards...
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    edited January 2019

    My whole team was almost at full health, I still cant get past the lag. I know at this point Kabam is just hoping this will go away, I know they dont care about anyone that's not in the top 1 percent. It been over a week we haven't heard anything from kanan, we have about 8 days left in this quest. This game just keeps getting worse, my phone is new, Android 8.0 I have the newest update to the game. I shut down everyother app, my connection is very good, it doesn't matter if I play on wifi or data plan it's still the same. I used to really enjoy playing this game, this months quest has taken every bit of the enjoyment out of the game. Any response would be ok even if it's just telling us kabam has done all they are going to do. Most game companies would want to expand their player base, this company trys their best to make player quit.
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
  • YrholkarYrholkar Member Posts: 4
    You cant dash back, you cant parry, you are ment to hit by unblockable sp2 no matter what. If you successfully bait out sp2 he is gonna hit through your block and you take tons of block damage.
    Ultimate goal is no medium level player complete uncollected quest. Is that it?
    I noticed earlier about ai, Every time hulk AI is weird he only throws sp1 when fury is active, and if his sp1 is not ready he is hitting your block and dramatically he becomes passive. ?
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Wolf you guys around?


    The next game patch is coming on the 8th, will DarkHawk be fixed in that one?

    What about all of us that can't complete the current event because of the bugged DarkHawk, what should we do?

    Will the timer be extended for the current event?

    We really need some feedback here!
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Day 84: No word from Kabam on if a fix for Darkhawk is coming or not, time's running low... No one knows if it'll be here in time, moral is running low too. Serveral have already lost all hope, some have given in and spent all their Potions and Revives... Few have made it through let alone 100% explored it. All we can do now is hope...
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  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Rose @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious
    @Kabam Wolf Will any of you please give us an answer? The lag is worse today, we have very little time to finish the quest. My phone is new, I have the newest update, my connection is very strong, no other apps are running. It just lags really bad fighting this one champion, I can not dash back.
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  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    The event is only part of the problem here, unless Kabam increases the time, we are pretty much done for.

    The bigger problem still is DarkHawk. He is in AW now, and any future content with him means we are helpless against him.

    This is why it is imperative that @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Wolf tell us if he will be fixed in the next version of the game that is coming out soon.

    Silence on this issue is troubling.
  • JohnArbuckleJohnArbuckle Member Posts: 0
    I had decided to try for master mode completion. It took me some time since my roster is less developed but i'm able to make it past night thrasher. I take a run at darkhawk and before I can react my screen freezes. Next second BAM i'm dead. I think to myself no big deal "I'll just use the trick where I pause before the fight actually starts." I use the pause trick, screen still freezes, i'm still dead. At this point i'm annoyed. I keep trying hoping one of these times it works. Every time I died before I even had the chance to move. I had to quit out of the quest and all the resources I spent were lost. I thought that kabam would have surely fixed the bug seeing as we're only 4 days away from the monthly event quest ending. This is garbage. I'm quitting this dumpster fire they call a videogame.
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    How do you fix something that doesn't affect everyone. This isn't an iOS vs Android issue, as it is affecting people with both kind of devices. This isn't an iPhone 8 v iPhone X issue since users on 8 say they have lag while others on 8 say they don't (or insert Android-style phone as well). Because there is nothing consistent as to who is affected, it is nearly impossible to fix. Kabam sent a patch that helped some people. Short of changing the entire fight mechanics, there is not much more they can do. This isn't like Ægon that did actually perform differently than planned because of a coding issue.

    Even if Kabam were to issue compensation, who would get compensated? Everyone, even those who had no lag issue? Take a user's word that they had lag and give it them only?
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    How do you fix something that doesn't affect everyone. This isn't an iOS vs Android issue, as it is affecting people with both kind of devices. This isn't an iPhone 8 v iPhone X issue since users on 8 say they have lag while others on 8 say they don't (or insert Android-style phone as well). Because there is nothing consistent as to who is affected, it is nearly impossible to fix. Kabam sent a patch that helped some people. Short of changing the entire fight mechanics, there is not much more they can do. This isn't like Ægon that did actually perform differently than planned because of a coding issue.

    Even if Kabam were to issue compensation, who would get compensated? Everyone, even those who had no lag issue? Take a user's word that they had lag and give it them only?

    This has NOTHING to do with fight mechanics. This has EVERYTHING to do with eye candy.
    To fix it is simple, scale back the eye candy. It isn't that hard of a fix, they are just using too many polygons and went over the limit that is acceptable per frame, that is why the game lags, it is trying to draw too many objects in the scene.

    It is incredible that Kabam has remained silent on this, it isn't going away, DarkHawk will be all over the place now, and as soon as the eye candy gets "turned on", BAM, lagfest.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Wolf seriously, nothing at all to say? Very disappointing with one 4 days left of the event.
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