Time to Increase Catayst Capacity

Catalyst capacity needs to be increased plain and simple. I would have purchased two more of the $49.99 t2 alpha deals on Cybermonday if i wasn’t overflowing with t2 alpha. I’m gonna have to wait til the end of the month to complete uncollected this month so i hopefully don’t overflow. Let’s go Kabam. You are offering deals for catalysts when we don’t have capacity to purchase them. If you increase the gold output this would also help the problem. LEGO!!


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  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    You have 12 T2A just sitting gathering dust and you’d buy 2 more?
  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2018
    Smh. No i can’t buy anymore or they will start to gather dust. That’s my point. I can’t even beat uncollected 100 or i get overflow. I’m sitting in 3 full t4ccs 40 map 5 crystals, 11 map 6 crystals, one glory crystal and 3 greater glory crystals as well so i don’t overflow on t4cc
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2018
    You may see in my original comment that an increase in gold output would help solve the problem
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    Phone2312 wrote: »
    You may see in my original comment that an increase in gold output would help solve the problem

    Gold output is fine. As someone ranking up 2-3 champions at a time (4/5*) maybe spend a little time on arena and do dungeons when they pop up.

    Oh and the glory Store helps a lot
  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    I really don’t know what that means. How does the glory store help lol? It helps me overflow! I do understand that if i want to grind my life away in arena i can obtain additional gold.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Agree we need a little bit more cushion. We need 16 limits
  • peasantpeasant Member Posts: 240
    these limits are how kabam creates a scarcity of resources for players. I too wish they would increase it, but I can see them putting this as very low priority.
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  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    It’s getting to the point where i can’t enjoyably play the game anymore (i.e i will have t2 alpha burning in my stash if i 100 uncollected this month). Even if I grind arena for gold, I’m not going to waste 800k gold, the majority of my iso and 10 minutes on ranking a champ who will not help my roster.
  • SuvenduSuvendu Member Posts: 177
    Should have stopped opening crystals that gives out t2a frags when theres no good champs for r4 and also t2a filled 10 already
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Phone2312 wrote: »
    It’s getting to the point where i can’t enjoyably play the game anymore (i.e i will have t2 alpha burning in my stash if i 100 uncollected this month). Even if I grind arena for gold, I’m not going to waste 800k gold, the majority of my iso and 10 minutes on ranking a champ who will not help my roster.

    What exactly do you define as helping your Roster? I see no sense in stifling content and letting Resources collect dust, to the point where you feel like quitting, just to get the "right" Champs. The idea is to Rank the best option you have and use that to earn more Resources and Champs. If you're waiting on earning more, that shouldn't be an issue.
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    Phone2312 wrote: »
    It’s getting to the point where i can’t enjoyably play the game anymore (i.e i will have t2 alpha burning in my stash if i 100 uncollected this month). Even if I grind arena for gold, I’m not going to waste 800k gold, the majority of my iso and 10 minutes on ranking a champ who will not help my roster.

    What exactly do you define as helping your Roster? I see no sense in stifling content and letting Resources collect dust, to the point where you feel like quitting, just to get the "right" Champs. The idea is to Rank the best option you have and use that to earn more Resources and Champs. If you're waiting on earning more, that shouldn't be an issue.

    I agree. The point is that many champions should be worthy of a rank-up. But maybe some champions are so much better than others that people can't stand the thought of ranking up any others than "god tier" champs.

    For a much lower tier player like me, I find that I don't have the resources to rank up my best champs so I have to make do with my older, not so outstanding ones. Sometimes it's surprising how helpful a champ can be though, even though they have been deemed to suck by lots of players on this forum. When the games give you class catalysts of the class you need the least constantly... what can you do...?
  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    Last two comments just smh 🤦‍♂️. Increase catalyst capacity or Put halls of gold up more often/have it as a consistent monthly event and this will solve the problem. I have a job like most people and can’t grind arena all day for gold.
  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    Was able to get a 6* to rank 2 (almost maxed) with 1.5m gold. Solved my catalyst problem but i think that’s it for me. It’s been real Kabam. Make your arenas more interesting.
  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    Oh darn just halls of healing and gold coming back. Was too busy questing. YIPIDITY-Do-Dah!!!!!
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    same issue we are more focusing on r5 champs and r2 6* 7 t2a are only for one must be at least enough to hold 14 ( 2 6* ) the catalyst class capacity needs to be bumped too you need at least 10 to r4 a champion must be bumped to 20 x2
  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    Hmm 🤔 it seems like no one in Kabam has realized this is an issue. Even in Zelda you had the option to get a bigger wallet as you advanced in the game. Map 5 crystals and t4CCs are becoming useless. Game is getting boring.
  • SoulreaverasSoulreaveras Member Posts: 63
    Sounds to me you would just prefer an option of buying gold and/or cats versus playing the game to get them. It’s the balance Kabam has put in to make it at least possible for people to acquire things instead of just appealing to the big spenders who just want to buy their way to god tier champs and such.
  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    The capacity is the same as when the game started, before Act 5 was even a thing. Before 6* we're a thing. And now we will have Act 6 coming out, probably r3 6* with it, an no changes. Having a capacity cap just forces one to use hard earned mats or lose them, and with the current paradigm of rng champs, I understand where people are coming from. Would be nice to at least be able to hold 2 champs worth of ranking mats, so you can keep one set saved for that champ you love, and then use the other set as you accumulate.
  • icorericorer Member Posts: 66
    edited February 2019
    Whilst i definitely think it's high time limits were increased, a big part of successful progression is resource management, as well as the obvious element of rng.

    You should always be thinking about who you will rank or want to rank, once you pull them. If you see you're getting close to limits and you are unable to rank anyone then you certainly shouldn't be opening crystals.

    I sat on 3 seasons of alliance rewards and countless map 6 crystals for fear of adding shards that would form a new t2a into my overflow. That being said even being careful it happens with the low limits and eventually just through completing monthly content the clock started ticking on me. This led to the hard decision of ranking up a less desirable champ. Did r4 Loki that time, I like the guy although he wouldn't have been in my top choices with better rng.

    Just last week I was fast approaching a repeat situation being some 8k off the necessary shards to form a 3rd t5b. Faced with doing uc 100% next month inside the first week or once through variant i chose the latter.


    Now I've got a 2nd r2 6* for my efforts and careful resource management

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