Time to Increase Catayst Capacity

Catalyst capacity needs to be increased plain and simple. I would have purchased two more of the $49.99 t2 alpha deals on Cybermonday if i wasn’t overflowing with t2 alpha. I’m gonna have to wait til the end of the month to complete uncollected this month so i hopefully don’t overflow. Let’s go Kabam. You are offering deals for catalysts when we don’t have capacity to purchase them. If you increase the gold output this would also help the problem. LEGO!!
Surely you MUST have some good champs to take up
So your issue isn’t your catalyst capacity… it’s a gold acquisition issue?
Gold output is fine. As someone ranking up 2-3 champions at a time (4/5*) maybe spend a little time on arena and do dungeons when they pop up.
Oh and the glory Store helps a lot
What exactly do you define as helping your Roster? I see no sense in stifling content and letting Resources collect dust, to the point where you feel like quitting, just to get the "right" Champs. The idea is to Rank the best option you have and use that to earn more Resources and Champs. If you're waiting on earning more, that shouldn't be an issue.
I agree. The point is that many champions should be worthy of a rank-up. But maybe some champions are so much better than others that people can't stand the thought of ranking up any others than "god tier" champs.
For a much lower tier player like me, I find that I don't have the resources to rank up my best champs so I have to make do with my older, not so outstanding ones. Sometimes it's surprising how helpful a champ can be though, even though they have been deemed to suck by lots of players on this forum. When the games give you class catalysts of the class you need the least constantly... what can you do...?
Was able to get a 6* to rank 2 (almost maxed) with 1.5m gold. Solved my catalyst problem but i think that’s it for me. It’s been real Kabam. Make your arenas more interesting.
You should always be thinking about who you will rank or want to rank, once you pull them. If you see you're getting close to limits and you are unable to rank anyone then you certainly shouldn't be opening crystals.
I sat on 3 seasons of alliance rewards and countless map 6 crystals for fear of adding shards that would form a new t2a into my overflow. That being said even being careful it happens with the low limits and eventually just through completing monthly content the clock started ticking on me. This led to the hard decision of ranking up a less desirable champ. Did r4 Loki that time, I like the guy although he wouldn't have been in my top choices with better rng.
Just last week I was fast approaching a repeat situation being some 8k off the necessary shards to form a 3rd t5b. Faced with doing uc 100% next month inside the first week or once through variant i chose the latter.
Now I've got a 2nd r2 6* for my efforts and careful resource management