Looking for active members. No treasury donations or minimum power ratings required

Our alliance is about the members. Ideas, complaints, and suggestions are welcome. You don't have to participate in every AW or AQ, and you need only log in once a week. If you need more time, just say so, and you can have a full month.
You can use our alliance to build yourself up and move on to a more competitive one, but you're also welcome to stay no matter your power level.
Promotion is based on seniority and activity, so there is no favoritism.
Even if you're kicked for inactivity, you're more than welcome to rejoin. I have to do this because new members won't join if the current ones have been offline for a month.
Our tag is 5L5L5 or you can add me Jaredg22 for more details... if I can think of any.
You can use our alliance to build yourself up and move on to a more competitive one, but you're also welcome to stay no matter your power level.
Promotion is based on seniority and activity, so there is no favoritism.
Even if you're kicked for inactivity, you're more than welcome to rejoin. I have to do this because new members won't join if the current ones have been offline for a month.
Our tag is 5L5L5 or you can add me Jaredg22 for more details... if I can think of any.