
Why is it so hard to pull a decent 5*??? Past 3 months i have pulled all dupes of champs that ill never use. It sucks working so hard and putting in so much time and getting pointless champs


  • skullduggery72skullduggery72 Member Posts: 224 ★★
    RNG its all luck or bad luck and as someone who has opened 72 5* crystals and only pulled 4 god tier champs but colossus 4x I know about the bad. I'm sure the odds are not equal for pulling certain champs. RNG truly sucks
  • DragonsniperRhQDragonsniperRhQ Member Posts: 78
    I pulled Dormamu today! Which is prob my highest tier 5* at the moment :) He's my 7th 5*
  • SociopathSociopath Member Posts: 101
    Feel your pain op, Just pulled my 14th 5* (gambit, "YAY!") That makes out of 14 pulls one good 5* (quake).
    Seriously, they need to change these crystals that contain well over 100 different characters with most being useless or unusable characters as you have 4* that do it better. absolute bs!
    Rant over, but I understand.
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    They need to release a class crystal where you can at least try to target a certain class of champions the current system is broken now that there are over 100 champions
  • BLEEDlNG_DGEBLEEDlNG_DGE Member Posts: 324 ★★
    Why is it so hard to pull a decent 5*??? Past 3 months i have pulled all dupes of champs that ill never use. It sucks working so hard and putting in so much time and getting pointless champs

    Hang in there. Your luck will change sooner or later. I pulled a Hulk, then Stark Spidey, Green Goblin, Blade, Domino, Gwenpool & finally Starlord after almost a year and a half of pulling **** champs.
  • Ton_TonTon_Ton Member Posts: 128
    Me not bad at all, 3 last pull were luke cage, magik,king pin
  • Darrellz2161Darrellz2161 Member Posts: 83
    Out of 32 5 * champs i have pulled only 2 good champs which is domino and madusa which im happy about but its so hard to complete uncollected with only 2 good champs
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    There are just so many champs in the crystal that the odds are stacked against you every pull. I've had runs of good luck but mostly bad every time. I've never had luck with featured crystals but I'm saving for featured now with this crystal. Would love Ghost, Emma, or Korg. After I pull Old Man Logan I'll probably go back to basic lol.
  • Darrellz2161Darrellz2161 Member Posts: 83
    Lol im really wanting a blade or killmonger to be honest i have roughly 8 t4cc skill cats at moment
  • NguyenDauNguyenDau Member Posts: 248
    Out of 32 5 * champs i have pulled only 2 good champs which is domino and madusa which im happy about but its so hard to complete uncollected with only 2 good champs

    I think u cud do it..
    many players before didnt even had those champs like today.
    Synergi, higher dmg champs. and was still able to finish it.

  • KaruseusKaruseus Member Posts: 528 ★★
    Sure... until they added 6*...
  • Darrellz2161Darrellz2161 Member Posts: 83
    Im talking about uncollected monthly quests
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    edited December 2018
    Out of 32 5 * champs i have pulled only 2 good champs which is domino and madusa which im happy about but its so hard to complete uncollected with only 2 good champs

    Hold on. You have Domino and Medusa and you're complaining about your luck :| ??? And you can't complete Uncollected with them :|:| ???
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    Over 100 5* opened...17 featured 5* and 6*, never got a featured champ from stark or blade crystal or from 6* featured crystals. I have a few god tier champs but only AA and magik in beyond god tier. It really sucks that i have 5 T5b and no damage dealer like stark, blade, medusa, hyperion, corvus, etc. I just need ONE (preferrably medusa, hype, corvus, or stark) so i can actually do variant. Out of my 60 5*, I have 3 cosmics lol. I feel your pain brotha.
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