[Android] 21.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • TigerphilTigerphil Member Posts: 43
    IGN: Togerphil1980
    iPhone 8 Plus
    Cell/ wifi
    iOS 12.1
    MCOC 21.1.0

    Darkhawk fight lag issues on Master mode. Lag was terrible during fight wasted 100 units which should be refunded because I couldn’t even evade his sp2. Lost all champs twice. This is ridiculous
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  • pooldead1725pooldead1725 Member Posts: 55
    lag crashing and overheating in excess in all content of game , war, quest, supermissions, history, realm of legends,etc. Too the game close when i am playing, with no reason, That´s so crazy. i love mcoc but this problems, make me hate you, i can´t paly with this problems, please solve this bugs.

    My phone is samsung galaxy j5 2016 android 7.1.1
  • AgentchiefAgentchief Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: AGENTchief
    Device and Model: samsung galaxy S8
    Device Operating System: 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: BOTH
    Game Version Installed: the latest it's happens in master mode on the darkhawke boss. I have made at least 10 attempts to defeat darkhawke with 5 full health good champs. Darkhawke refuses to let his SP2 go so instantly backs you against the wall and there is literally nothing that can be done. 10 runs on master and all attempts on darkhawke combined with 10 runs and 5 attempts per run at dark Hawke so 50 trys and I accumulated a combined total of 2% damage removed from darkhawke. Do as you can imagine there are a few holes in my wall lol.
  • ElderchrElderchr Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: Elder.
    Device and Model: Moto Z2 Play
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 21.1.0
    Game Mode: IStory Quests, Event Quests, Arena,

    Description of the Issue:
    I'm trying to play the Arena, but always when I play for 15 minutes the game locks and closes alone. This has happened several times throughout the day.
    Another problem I have is in uncollected mode. The lag from the beginning of the fight does not let me dodge the Darkhawk's attack.
  • Yob84Yob84 Member Posts: 1
    Samsung galaxy tab a
    The game almost crashes every 10 to thirty minutes. Please do something, it's been doing this for months mostly arena and event quest. On good days it might only close the app every hour!
  • medievil7medievil7 Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: МК-Дима
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S5 mini (SM-G800F)
    Device Operating System: 6.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: use cellular data and WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Event Quests every fight with darkhawk when he the pink glow.
    Description of the Issue: every time the battle begins with darkhawk on uncollected, the game terribly slows down to 0 frames per second, it is impossible to dodge, even after a pause, 30 seconds are put in after it is pressed. as soon as the pink glow of darkhawk stops (if the champion is still alive), the game works fine and you can fight darkhawk when the pink glow (null mode) turns on again, the game hangs terribly again.
  • theclowndudetheclowndude Member Posts: 3
    Hey guys! I run on the T-Mobile network. My device is a galaxy S8+. Since yesterday morning I've had issues logging into the game. It keeps displaying the attached image. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game on multiple occasions. It started working fine again last night and early this morning, but now I am once again unable to log in. Any help would be great. Thanks!!
  • gamma7777gamma7777 Member Posts: 1
    In game name-gamma7777
    Device and model-lenovo vibe k5 note
    Device OS-6.0
    Celluar or wifi- wifi
    Game version installed- 21.1
    Game mode- event quest
    Description or issue- whenever I start the fight with darkhawk my screen lags. It has not happened with any boss till date. It starts the fight with null mode and because his attacks are unblockable he kills me because my screen lags so i am not able to dex his attacks. This is happening in all modes heroic, uncollected, master. Please fix the issues as soon as possible.
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  • tonyinittonyinit Member Posts: 1
    Freezing when u start the fight with darkhawk
  • Jaguaraci_SilvaJaguaraci_Silva Member Posts: 151
    Tigerphil wrote: »
    IGN: Togerphil1980
    iPhone 8 Plus
    Cell/ wifi
    iOS 12.1
    MCOC 21.1.0

    Darkhawk fight lag issues on Master mode. Lag was terrible during fight wasted 100 units which should be refunded because I couldn’t even evade his sp2. Lost all champs twice. This is ridiculous

    Same here. Boost, units, and energy refils.
  • MostWantedMostWanted Member Posts: 351 ★★
    edited December 2018
    Android 8.0.0
    Huawei p20 lite
    Marvel version 21.1.0
    Wi-fi or 4g+, lags occur anyway
    Darkhawk is the big problem. His pink aura makes the fight unplayable. Too many lags, even if I hit his block, the game slows down.
    This happens also against dormammu's block.
    My request is: reduce the resolution, don't make it FHD, less graphic effects and more smoothly gameplay instead.

    (The main situations that slow down the fight and some crucial movements are: iceman after the sp2. Void if I move too fast back and forward. Dormammu if I block too many hits and I play aggressively. Darkhawk in any situation. Any fight set in OSCORP labs. Modok sometimes, often after sp1. Omega red after his sp2 and unleashes aura of death. Sometimes some fights on Ultron's fallen city.)
    You may see "hey man, go buy another smartphone!"
    I'll answer "I'm poor" or "shut up"
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    I have pointed out the same problem with my Sony Xperia Z2, up.
    Bought a new tablet and I have the same problem.

    In-Game Name: NEO Mr Anderson
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S2 tab
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Arena
    Description of the Issue: Game close after 4-5 matchup in any arena.

    Note: I play on a Samsung Galaxy S7 cell(too) with android 8.0. It never happened.
  • edited December 2018
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  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    In-Game Name: dbpaddler or crogs
    Device and Model: LG Q7+
    Device Operating System: 8.1.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. Makes no difference which it's on. But now all wifi.
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: game. Will ultimately just crash regardless of where I am in the game, and it does it consistently. Mostly in questing, but will happen in AQ and arena or just navigating. If I am fighting, the first step in it going is the loss of the power and health meters. They just go blank. Which itself is frustrating as you have no clue where you are unless you really pay attention to the health percentage and if you can see the power box turn colors, but it's difficult to see.

    The game will ultimately freeze and become unresponsive and then crash.

    The frustrating thing is I truly hate logging and and out now. It never stays on my second account. It always logs back in to my main account which is annoying if I'm on my main account on another device.

    But that's a general issue as logging in and out has gotten extremely annoying with the consistency of always logging in to my main account initially and rarely back into the account that was last logged on.

    The Q7+ is a watered down g7, and plays the game smoothly at mid graphics settings. No reason why it should constantly and consistently crash.
  • TJSemlohTJSemloh Member Posts: 2
    I probably spent 2000 units trying to beat Darkhawk. The unblockable first move isn't a problem, but combine that with game lag or unresponsiveness and it becomes a huge issues. The game would also quit every other time I started the fight against him. All other aspects of the game are working but for his fight everything was terrible. As usual it's the way Kabam tries to grab money from their customers....and well, it works. I for one and probably quitting the game at the end of this month because this happens over and over.

    iphone 8
  • Sayan2018Sayan2018 Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2018
    Dear Kabam Development team,

    any update concern the workaround of this graphic overload issue of Uncollected final boss - Darkhawk?

    Many people post video on youtube as dimostration of this disabling problem:

    Let us know, urgently.

    Thanks in advance for your appreciated feedback.
  • NeoVampyrNeoVampyr Member Posts: 28
    In-Game Name: NeoVampyr
    Device and Model: Xiaomi Redmi note 4
    Device Operating System: 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 21.1.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: versus high PI champs, in end game quests or last days AQ, there are lags that prevent you to parry or dodge efficiently ... (sometimes, instead of a dodge, it's a parry)
    It seems like AI use more CPU at the expense of the gameplay and the player ...
    Versus no brain low PI champs, no or less lag issues ...
    It's very frustating and we can see this behaviour more or less according to the versions of the game ...
    21.1.0 is horrible ... version before was (a little) better ... I miss gameplay before 12.0, the game was smooth and gameplay was at the top ...
  • Jaguaraci_SilvaJaguaraci_Silva Member Posts: 151
    Sayan2018 wrote: »
    Dear Kabam Development team,

    any update concern the workaround of this graphic overload issue of Uncollected final boss - Darkhawk?

    Many people post video on youtube as dimostration of this disabling problem:

    Let us know, urgently.

    Thanks in advance for your appreciated feedback.

    Exactly it happens with me all time.

    I won't waste any resources in this game.
  • nocturnalpsynocturnalpsy Member Posts: 12
    In game name: nocturnalpsycho
    Device/Model: Moto G6
    Operating System : Android 8.0.0
    Cellular/Wifi: Both
    Game Version:21.1.0
    Game Mode: Arena

    App crashes after 4 to 5 rounds of arena. Slows down and some graphical features disappear as you play more rounds.
  • AkaButterzAkaButterz Member Posts: 9
    In game name- aka butterz
    Device model- Samsung galaxy s9
    Operating system- 8.0 and 9.0
    Cell or wifi- both
    Game version- 21.1
    Game mode- event quests and wars are where I have noticed it so far. I believe it's all combat
    Issue- My characters are unresponsive. Sometimes they stop attacking in the middle of a combo, stop guarding or wont dodge back. I have experienced this since the last event with the broken aegon. It has happened today in my alliance war which is even more annoying. I cant complete the harder difficulties because of these issues.
  • Convict1Convict1 Member Posts: 27
    Ign ++covict++
    Android 8.0
    Wifi and data
    Version 21.1
    Having problems with lag when fighting night hawk and connection problems when blocking champs will come out of blocking and start to attack
  • andyh122andyh122 Member Posts: 22
    In-Game Name: Andyh122
    Device and Model: Samsung galaxy s9+
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0
    Cellular or WiFi: the issues occurs on both wifi and cellular my carrier is T-Mobile
    Game Version Installed: my current version is 21.1.0
    Game Mode: all game modes but more often in arena, alliance quest, and alliance war
    Description of the Issue: 1. I haven't found this to be champion specific it seems to happen to any champion I use but I will get a loss of input as I'm attacking doing a standard 5 hit combo around the 3rd hit my champion will stop and begin to do a heavy attack it doesnt happen every single time but it happens multiple times during my gameplay

    2. When an enemy is dashing from max distance as they get close and the screen zooms in more often than not the game will lag right before there hit would land causing me to miss parries

    3. When dodging certain projectile attacks specifically iron man infinity war after evading the first projectile before the second one lands it will sometimes will freeze/lag for a split second causing dexterity not to work

    4. Another issue more specifically involves domino vs realm of legends winter soldier and captain marvel (not sure for the rest in ROL) when getting multiple stuns or large critical hits or bleeds causes the game to lag significantly for extended periods of time throughout the fight

    5. There have also been a few instances in the arena when I have to click the next fight button multiple times to get a response

    6. This one isnt so much a complaint/issue but is something I'd like to mention once in a while when switching from different apps back to mcoc the game will go black for about 5 or more seconds and then be running at 60fps (I cant actually confirm its 60fps but I had multiple people watch the gameplay during and then after when I re-open the game and they noticed a huge difference) when this happens the game responds much differently the lag is minimal and the response is fluid and navigating menus is much smoother I'm not sure why this happens but I try to enjoy it while I can! Anyway thanks I hope this helps!
  • Dominic728Dominic728 Member Posts: 18
    So everytime I try and fight darkhawk it disconnects me from the fight and when I try to go back in it says resume and I hit fight, then it repeats til it wants me to fight him i guess, I’ve been in the position where it does it 20+ times til it just cuts the fight and puts me back at the main menu.
    Device:iPhone 6 plus
    In-game name: Dominic728
    Operating system: ios12
    Cellular or Wifi: Both
    Game version: latest
    Game mode: EQ
  • MrMadineMrMadine Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Mr. Madine
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy tab 4
    Device Operating System: 5.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: most recent
    Game Mode: All of them
    Description of the Issue: the game will crash at any point. Mid fight, during log in, whenever. I get a black screen and then back to my home screen on my tablet.
  • troyelricaccount2troyelricaccount2 Member Posts: 50
    In-Game Name: EmperorStark-02
    Device and Model: Redmi Note5
    Device Operating : Android 8.1.0
    MIUI version: MIUI global 10.0 Stable
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Everywhere

    Description of the Issue: Game is completely unplayable.
    Since 2 months game controls have been non responsive. 21.0 made it worse, even after maintainece nothing changed. Game controls do not respond 8/10 times you input a command . they dont block they dont attack, special when you tap , nothing. When they do , they do it 3-5 seconds later which in a game of this speed is worse than autoplay. I complete uncollected with 4stars every month . due to said issue I cant even 'complete' Master

    We built our alliance from ground up to gold and currently we either have to spend all over units just to stay alive in a match or quit alliance for members less skilled than us just to keep the boat afloat. Same issue happned after sentinal update and even after repeated complaint it took 3 months to be fixed. Now again it has resurfaced for 1 1/2 months.

    Please look into compatibility issues of Redmi phones/ android and game. Half of every month game is unplayable after each upadate. My phone runs all other apps and heavy games with no issue. Tried factory resetting phone and reinstalled game twice.
    We are missing out on so many things in game now and there is nothing we can do. Pls fix this . Thank you
  • Ekşioğlu1Ekşioğlu1 Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: EmperorStark-02
    Device and Model: Redmi Note5
    Device Operating : Android 8.1.0
    MIUI version: MIUI global 10.0 Stable
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Everywhere

    Description of the Issue: Game is completely unplayable.
    Since 2 months game controls have been non responsive. 21.0 made it worse, even after maintainece nothing changed. Game controls do not respond 8/10 times you input a command . they dont block they dont attack, special when you tap , nothing. When they do , they do it 3-5 seconds later which in a game of this speed is worse than autoplay. I complete uncollected with 4stars every month . due to said issue I cant even 'complete' Master

    We built our alliance from ground up to gold and currently we either have to spend all over units just to stay alive in a match or quit alliance for members less skilled than us just to keep the boat afloat. Same issue happned after sentinal update and even after repeated complaint it took 3 months to be fixed. Now again it has resurfaced for 1 1/2 months.

    Please look into compatibility issues of Redmi phones/ android and game. Half of every month game is unplayable after each upadate. My phone runs all other apps and heavy games with no issue. Tried factory resetting phone and reinstalled game twice.
    We are missing out on so many things in game now and there is nothing we can do. Pls fix this . Thank you

    Hey man i'm a Xiaomi user either and i have the exact same problem, My phone runs all heavy games smoothly but lagginy extremly in mcoc but im not sure who to blame maybe it's not kabam what if it's the xiaomi's fault
  • TerryoswTerryosw Member Posts: 11

    I've been having issues for a long time now game lagging problems with evading blocking not working, swipe forwards it does a heavy attack or does a heavy attack by itself I don't understand why this is going on and not being fixed. I also play transformers and don't have any problems with the game and it's out by kabam also. Please fix the game guy's

    Galaxy note 5
    Android 7.0
    T-Mobile, Wi-Fi
  • AndyBro59AndyBro59 Member Posts: 10
    In game name-AndyBro59
    Device and model-Galaxy note 8
    Device OS-8.0.0
    Celluar or wifi- both
    Game version installed- 21.1
    Game mode- event quest
    Description or issue- whenever I start the fight with darkhawk my screen lags. It has not happened with any boss till date. It starts the fight with null mode and because his attacks are unblockable he kills me because my screen lags so i am not able to dex his attacks. This is happening in all modes heroic, uncollected, master I spent nearly 1500 units to get through once in uncollected. All other months maybe 1 or 2 revives. Lost whole team multiple times because of lag and not being able to dodge back. Ridiculous
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