I got to path 3 without any resources used. Path 4 went downhill and not having a counter to icemans coldsnap or a counter for void really hurt my pocket. Seems having blade really comes in handy
Because he is triple immune to bleed, poison, and incinerate, fight him with a champ that does insane damage. Such as domino, cbones with overrun, Thor, and stark Spidey
I would use A.A. for majik and void, then bring Spider-Man and star lord for ice man, Spider-Man will also be good for Hyperion. Morning star for the champion. Her l2 when he goes unstopped will take him down fast. It’s good to get souls formher by fighting Corvus. Farm up heal first and heal to max for every ice man so you don’t have to use revives
Well I used my 5/65 Voodoo for iceman. He regens at 260 per tick and that was only just keeping me level with coldsnap damage on path 4