(AQ/2,3,4, AW Gold 3, no donation) alliance looking for new guy rating about 120k, must use line

We are in Gold 3 bucket, with 2 members rating over 400K including myself, 4 members over 200K, and the rest mostly 80k - 150k, Lv40-50.
Our group had recently 10 winning stack for AW, because we communicate well, and we have officers to give directions to everybody every few hours, making adjustments during war. heaps of communication. There is only a guide for assigning a path to one member in a battle group, but also every path can be changed during AW. Our goal is to win, and make sure we win, and not burning units. We often can win a war with opponent 30% stronger than us, because we clearly know what to do. what should be doing, and when to give up. I personally think we are doing pretty well, as I used to be in another alliance with double of alliance rating also in the same AW bucket.
In order to keep that momentum, we are looking for a member who has passion in the game and can communicate with other team members. Our communication channel is using an app called LINE. For people have never using line before, please download "line" from google or apple store and register with your phone number so you never lose your account when you restore your phone. You can turn off the notification because bump up notis will screw your game play. Please have your name for line same as your name in the game, or closer enough for us to identify you.
Please be aware that applicants who don't communicate or, join a random bg without asking, my alliance is not for you, because there is no way I can ask the member to jump onto another bg, another path or not even attempting a path, if the member is already on that path. Also, people that are rude will be given warning or kicked. Being polite to people is a must.
More than 50% of our members are in UK, the rest of our people are from malaysia, Australia and other countries too. Time is not a problem.
The rating of 120K is a guide only, you can be any rating within a reason, please add my line ID jimmyqht and show me your champion with a screenshot. I am going to ask you who is your defenders and attackers for AW, your time zone, questions like that.
We do AW 3 times a week, and during AW attacker phase, AQ will be map 3,3,2. When we are not in AW attacker phase, AQ will be 4,3,3 or 4,3,2. Donation is voluntary, people happy to put some money and they put it. We don't like to force people to make donations as people have jobs, schools and their life, and donation will be waste of money if map is not 100% completed. In most cases, we completed the map 4 and map 3.
I am the officer of this alliance and I love my alliance. I would either give up the game totally or keep doing it with my alliance.
Thanks for your time and see you shortly.