Revamp master eq rewards.

I find that other difficulties of eq is fine except for master difficulty.
People who do master eq are in need of more 5* and doesn’t care much about 3*.
Some 3* and extra 4* shards and 500 5* shard increase doesn’t justify the energy and time given by the summoner.
Even when it comes to skill people need more skill for master than heroic considering the special 3 warning and the difficult nodes for the boss.
So what can you do Kabam?
1. You can reduce the difficulty. Or/and
2. You can increase the rewards.
What you shouldn’t do Kabam.
1. Reduce the rewards for heroic so master looks better
2. Reduce the number of paths taken then heroic will not be justified.
How much of an increase?
1. Either give a 4* like the normal exploration reward(3*)
2. Or significantly increase the 5* shards
3. Or adding 2-3 t4cc crystal or more t4bcatalyst or/and t2a shards
People who agree please add on your points.
People who disagree add some counterpoints.
I’m not complaining about the difficulty but the rewards we get for the difficulty we face is bad.
Also I want to make sure that you understand this is for master mode eq and not others I think the others are just fine.
If you are not interested in this topic please move on to what you were doing don’t post comments unnecessarily.
People who do master eq are in need of more 5* and doesn’t care much about 3*.
Some 3* and extra 4* shards and 500 5* shard increase doesn’t justify the energy and time given by the summoner.
Even when it comes to skill people need more skill for master than heroic considering the special 3 warning and the difficult nodes for the boss.
So what can you do Kabam?
1. You can reduce the difficulty. Or/and
2. You can increase the rewards.
What you shouldn’t do Kabam.
1. Reduce the rewards for heroic so master looks better
2. Reduce the number of paths taken then heroic will not be justified.
How much of an increase?
1. Either give a 4* like the normal exploration reward(3*)
2. Or significantly increase the 5* shards
3. Or adding 2-3 t4cc crystal or more t4bcatalyst or/and t2a shards
People who agree please add on your points.
People who disagree add some counterpoints.
I’m not complaining about the difficulty but the rewards we get for the difficulty we face is bad.
Also I want to make sure that you understand this is for master mode eq and not others I think the others are just fine.
If you are not interested in this topic please move on to what you were doing don’t post comments unnecessarily.
I think that too
Now i know what you're gonna say,"well why dont you go for uncollected?!?" Answers easy. we dont have the champs to do it. some of us might not be as skilled to fight those 15k+ champs but there needs to some kind of challenge for us, and thats master mode. UC players complete UC mode and receive rewards that will help them a lot. what does master mode give? 4* shards and a very little amount of 5*s, and does this help us? hell no. Master might be a challenge for some people but the rewards really doesn't feel like what we should be getting. We deserve better rewards.
Kabam really needs to buff rewards up for mid-tier players, big time.
3* in master is laughable, you can justify it by saying "someone who's not as developed as you might find it useful" but let's be real, if you can complete master you don't care about 3* at all
Even one more t4b and additional 1000 5* shards could be an sufficient improvement. I can't think of any fair 3* crystal replacement, 4* seems like a bit to much for Kabam to handle, maybe an ultimate crystal instead of premium ones and 3* crystal
Wasn't me who did it, but there was a post asking for the same thing just a few days ago. And just like I answered on that post, I'll give a similar response;
Master mode was significantly nerfed with the introduction of Uncollected mode. Just like how Act 4 got nerfed when Act 5 was introduced. So the difficulty has already been reduced, yet the rewards remained the same. So should the rewards for Master get buffed, logically there should be a correlative increase in rewards for Uncollected. Which probably won't happen for Uncollected, as Kabam has started to introduce 'Epic' difficulties in certain quests (think Chapter 2 in this month's Champion Clash).
Any increase in rewards for both Master and Uncollected is always welcome, but it's doubtful Kabam will implement this for the reasons mentioned above.