Tiered Daily Specials - will purchasing both Uncollected and Daily Special unlock 2x new bundles?

I'm checking to see if anyone purchased both the Uncollected Daily Special + the regular Daily Special and did it unlock the T4CC bundle twice?
I purchased the Uncollected special (for the price of Peter Parker's wallet) and also the tech T4CC it unlocked (for the price of a Star-Lord's Loot Bag). Decent value for 2x crystals, 1x T4B and 1x guaranteed tech T4CC. I don't need another tech T4CC right now so I haven't tried purchasing the regular special to see if it unlocked another set of tech T4CC but if it does – I might do it for one of the days in this week!
I'm checking to see if anyone purchased both the Uncollected Daily Special + the regular Daily Special and did it unlock the T4CC bundle twice?
I purchased the Uncollected special (for the price of Peter Parker's wallet) and also the tech T4CC it unlocked (for the price of a Star-Lord's Loot Bag). Decent value for 2x crystals, 1x T4B and 1x guaranteed tech T4CC. I don't need another tech T4CC right now so I haven't tried purchasing the regular special to see if it unlocked another set of tech T4CC but if it does – I might do it for one of the days in this week!
Just saw the in game message - the “superior” bundles both have different contents so I think it’s safe to say the uncollected and the regular one unlock independent superior bundles!
Nice! Okay, I might consider getting the regular one of these days just for the guaranteed T4CC. Thanks @Mike12867