How should i spend t2a and t5b on corvus and SE Spiderman

Angelfire_TNORAngelfire_TNOR Member Posts: 64
edited December 2018 in Strategy and Tips
I have enough rank up materials (10 t2a, 2t5b) to take both Corvus and Stark Enhanced Spider-Man to rank 4. Alternatively I could work towards taking one to rank 5. Both are unduped currently. I have enough class catalysts for the rank 4s but I don’t have enough t4 class to go to rank 5 ( short 6 cosmic and 5 tech).

I already have killmonger, Hyperion, magik and iceman at rank 4 (only iceman is duped).

I have done a first clear of act 5 and am working on 100%. I have not done a first clear of LOL.

How should i spend t2a and t5b on corvus and SE Spiderman 22 votes

Take both SE Spider-Man and Corvus to rank 4
JRock808Crazyjack719Ch1efsterTrill719th3_josephFhfjghhggggjfhfjgSaket_123SidDDragonmrcyrcleEsket1t_420 10 votes
Work towards taking SE Spider-Man to rank 5
KirklinAnurag1606Breybreyaxelelf_110or_StrongThatOneMasterGamerskullduggery72Rockypantherxkubricknolan 9 votes
Work towards taking Corvus to rank 5
hellrazurrr 1 vote
Work towards taking Hyperion to rank 5
cAncAmO 1 vote
Work towards taking Magik to rank 5
Wait for awakening gem
nameplas 1 vote


  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    Take both SE Spider-Man and Corvus to rank 4
    This is probably a slightly better option as this kind of rounds out your roster. Then put together a LOL synergy for sparky and you will get 4 t2a, plus 2x t4cc of every class plus a random AG. This will mean you can take one of your r4s to r5.

    This way you will be better equipped for act 5 exploration as well.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Take both SE Spider-Man and Corvus to rank 4
    Corvus does not really need his sig to be offensive burst monster and he is really effective at r4.

    Stark benefits from r5 due to his low health pool and insane base attack. His sig is also really useful. If he were duped I'd take him right to r5.

    You may want to r4 both while working towards act5 completion and then reevaluate when you can r5. Though an r5 of wither will make act 5 so much easier,

    Tough call. I have both r4 unduped and use them liberally in all modes of the game.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,203 ★★★
    Work towards taking SE Spider-Man to rank 5
    I will say that, from my own experience with having both at R4 and then being able to R5 Sparky, his move to R5 made a much bigger impact on my game than having Corvus at R4. While you certainly won't regret having an R4 Corvus to dole out serious damage, Sparky's huge attack numbers are comparable and easier to scale up in fight #1, and honestly he has been a game changer for me since going to R5.
  • Esket1t_420Esket1t_420 Member Posts: 548 ★★★
    Take both SE Spider-Man and Corvus to rank 4
    You should take both to r4 because it will diversify your top champs and will help you with general contebt
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