The Battlerealm Dojo
I have an idea for a new gameplay mode. Basically, you can pick what champion you want to fight, pick his rank and can adjust their health to what you want it to be (can be set as infinite, and sets yours as infinite also), and whether he is duped or not. Then, you can pick whatever champion you want to use, choose his rank and level, whether he's duped or not. Then, you could apply pre-set nodes (for example, if using StarLord, you can enable the Combo Shield node). If you did not choose the option for your and your opponent's lives to be infinite, you earn one gold for every 1000 lives you take out of the opponent. If you did choose infinite lives, you can just keep going and stop when you want to. Each match would cost 5 units, unless you pay 200 units to make it always free from then on. You can only fight champions that are in the base pool (4* base pool), and you can only use champs that you have in your roster. Essentially, this could allow you to see the damage potential that champs could get to (Aegon, StarLord, Wasp), or can help you practice against champs (like facing MODOK) or even use champs (like figuring out how to use a champ like Night Thrasher). What do you guys think?
That's why it would cost units to do, so that they still earn a little. Also, you could only face champs that are in the 4* pool, so you can't face characters that are in the current EQ, which may be giving people hard times.
Sorry, I think I forgot to mention this above, but you could also apply nodes to your opponent, and (you could) add the nodes to the opponent that they have in that quest that they are the boss of. And yeah, Infinity Thanos and Maestro could be in there too, I just mentioned the 4* base pool to point that you could not face champs that were in the current EQ, or something like that.