
I would say bring better cosmic champs to this game but that just won't do any justice you have to severely consider making the cosmic class better. There's only one champ in the whole class worthy of an awakening gem and worth a r5. People dread getting awakening gems and cosmic class catalysts. After r5ing Hyperion getting cosmic anything is a nightmare. This is the only class severely outmatched by every other.
And with mystics being reduculous debuffers AND mystic dispersion being as crazy op as it is, it creates a unique problem for cosmics.
I think they need to reassess the way nullify works and possibly make a mastery to make cosmics more desired.
Personal thought- damage output is a good way to do that. Still make it buff reliant, but give them decent base attack. If carnage or phoenix had an above average attack, but then got their buffs, their damage output could be insane, paving the way to nullify/buff steal/etc being the only counter. (or not getting hit)