Champion Revamp ideas: Old Man Logan (Version 2)

Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
So. Around about a month before this post was submitted, I made a post on how I thought Old Man Logan could be buffed without completely changing his whole ability set.
Now I've thought about it, there are some changes I wanted to make to that. Some MAJOR changes.
Again, note that I will not be the maddest person if Kabam does not buff OML in this way, or any way that makes him more viable. He still has use and I plan to have him in my team when I go for my run of Realm of Legends. That passive regen is amazing. Just that damage is horrible...

oh yeah if you see values/names in {curly brackets}, that means that those values/names are sort of placeholders, with the values/names inside being what I think would work.

Passive - {Pacifism Mode}
  • Old Man Logan starts out in this mode.
  • While in this mode, Old Man Logan gains the ability to Passively Regenerate ( {0.8%} + [{0.05%} per Pacifism Charge] ) of health per second). This regeneration cannot be brought below 0 (passive Regeneration multiplier cannot go into negatives). Also, the Regeneration reduction effects of Poison and Petrify debuffs is reduced by {40%}
  • Being in this Mode also allows him to shrug off Debuff effects of indefinite duration with a {50%} chance, and reduce the duration of debuffs of finite duration (except for Stun) by {75%}.
  • Old Man Logan gains Pacifism Charges each time he is struck (with a block or otherwise) (with a % chance).
  • Each Pacifism Charge increases Old Man Logan's Armor Rating by {5%} and Reduce enemy Critical Chance by {5%}

Passive - {Violence Mode}
  • While in this mode, Old Man Logan gains a Passive Fury and Cruelty, giving him an extra ( {60%} + [{5%} per Pacifism Charge] ) Attack and ( {75%} + [{10%} per Pacifism Charge] ) Critical Damage while he is in this Mode.
  • Being in this Mode makes Old Man Logan {immune} to Attack and Critical Rating/Chance Reduction effects.
  • Old Man Logan gains {Pacifism Charges} every {1} consecutive second while blocking, as well as gaining one charge when activating a Special 2 or 3.

Pacifism Charges
  • Limit of {10}. {12} seconds after limit is reached, Old Man Logan will switch forms.

Special 1
  • {70%} chance to inflict Bleed, dealing {225%} of Attack as damage over {5} seconds.

Special 2
  • Each hit has a {70%} chance to inflict Bleed, dealing {200%} of Attack as damage over {5} seconds.
  • If no stacks of Bleed are inflicted by this special attack (by immunities or otherwise), Armor Break is inflicted instead with a {100%} chance, reducing Armor Rating by {1500}.

Special 3
  • Infilcts Bleed with a {100%} chance, dealing {400%} of Attack as damage over {7} seconds. If an Immunity stops this from happening, Armor Break is inflicted instead, reducing Armor Rating by {2500}. Ability Accuracy Reduction cannot reduce the chance of Armor Break being inflicted, but can influence the chance of Bleed being inflicted.
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