Variant 3.3 advice

Hello summoners,
I am looking for skilled individuals that have beaten Variant to tell me how and which champs I can use to beat the last ultron boss.
What champ besides gladiator hulk is effective since my 4 star is rank 3 unduped.
I have Red hulk, cap Iw, void, thor, cap marvel, hyperion, og hulk as maxed champs
I am looking for skilled individuals that have beaten Variant to tell me how and which champs I can use to beat the last ultron boss.
What champ besides gladiator hulk is effective since my 4 star is rank 3 unduped.
I have Red hulk, cap Iw, void, thor, cap marvel, hyperion, og hulk as maxed champs
( 5/55 gulk is better option imo )
(I used mine 1/25 gulk to beat ultron)
Also problem is Hulk (node before ultron) he caused a lot of problem to me
Really that OG Hulk? What is he on node wise?
My red hulk is 6 star rank 1. So basically you cannot evade the ultron or shock to death. No champs immune to shock except corvus with claive charges. That last boss is a giant pain in the neck.
Corvus not a good option for that fight either
I used mine 5:65 undup corvus he took shock damage anyway
I guess that shock debuffs different than usual that's why
And yeah OG hulk ko too many fellas like me lol aspect of war / big health pool / he hits really hard and agressive behaviour... his playing style unusual then OG hulk
How? How do you get armor shattered so fast? I dont have her 😢
I need to know options besides Gulk.
Can quake tackle the last ultron?
Is it a must to max 4 star Gulk unduped?
I am planning on using hela for that hulk. He is an easy pease. My hyperion is 5/50.
My question is that is Quake a counter to that ultron?
Indestructible before she gets killed the flip health and 💥
That Hulk does not flip health.
How come if it is aspect of war node?
I am really not concern about him. Regarless. My concern is the last boss
I found him to be harder than the last boss.
Also, you're confused, Aspect of War is:
They go unblockable after 50 seconds..
They go unstoppable for 6 seconds everytime they use their sp.