Mastery Setup Suggestion for Better Game Play

Hai Team,
Here I am posting my Mastery setup. Request you to suggest me the changes for better game play, My top players are 4*s Night Crawler, Spider Stark, Iron Man, Captain America IW, Corvus Glaive, Heimdall, X23.
All suggestions are highly appreciated.

Here I am posting my Mastery setup. Request you to suggest me the changes for better game play, My top players are 4*s Night Crawler, Spider Stark, Iron Man, Captain America IW, Corvus Glaive, Heimdall, X23.
All suggestions are highly appreciated.

Posted into wrong thread before because of typo, Here is the expected post
In arena getting out of the game and returning back after 5 to 10 min losing the gaming saying network error and ending the game with loss
If you get hit at least once in most fights, look at Brian Grant's mastery set-up on youtube.