Hold off on new content until you fix the existing problems

I have been playing this game for nearly the entire 4 years and in the last year I have been noticing a trend. You keep introducing new characters, new quests and new events but they are so buggy that the average player doesn’t stand a chance of completing it all.
The wallet warriors will continue to pay and play but I think the average players (i.e. the majority of players) are being forgotten.
My solution is simple; take a break from making new content and instead focus your efforts on making the game better by eliminating the bugs.
Especially in this months EQ which is WAY too hard. I have been routinely completing UC but this Darkhawk is so messed up that I am struggling to finish Master.
If your only motivation is money, then by all means continue catering to the wallet warriors. But, if your goal is to make a better game, which it should be, try helping out the rest of us by cleaning up the glitches and not creating content that is impossible to complete without spending a ton of money.
I like playing the game but it’s hard to stay motivated when the cards are stacked against us.
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