Lol first fun team

ChewybuccaChewybucca Member Posts: 95
Any way I could improve on this set up.
Out of this team .
X23 is at 5/65 unduped , attack sits at 2234 befor these Synergies kick in.
1- unlimited parries ( x23 with a Red hulk )
2 - 10 % attack at start of fight ( Corvus )
3 - 15 % fury buff when dash back on base attack ( Heimdall and hela )
4 - cheat death buff ( Heimdall )

Thanks .


  • ChewybuccaChewybucca Member Posts: 95
    That was run not FUN in title....
  • ChewybuccaChewybucca Member Posts: 95
    Team worked cost me 2000 units on path 1
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Congrats on getting a run done @Chewybucca
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    5/65 X-23 🤩
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    Forgive this possibly basic question, but how does the synergy between X-23 and Rulk (which I'm seeing as 5% chance of perfect block for each of them, so possibly 10% perfect block chance) equate to unlimited parries in LoL?
  • ChewybuccaChewybucca Member Posts: 95
    Forgive this possibly basic question, but how does the synergy between X-23 and Rulk (which I'm seeing as 5% chance of perfect block for each of them, so possibly 10% perfect block chance) equate to unlimited parries in LoL?

    Put this in your serch in forums .
    ( Labyrinth’s infinite parry ) It will explain a little more then I can, but it works.
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