Where's the tech daily special?

ShadPrinceShadPrince Member Posts: 842 ★★★
I only noticed this yesterday but I didn't think about it, but the daily specials in the unit store we're lagging. When the cosmic catalyst event was on, the mystic bundle was in the store, and while the tech was on, the cosmic was in store.

But now that the quest became the standard free-for-all, the daily special was also the basic one. So where's the tech one, and when will that one be available??


  • Nichj99Nichj99 Member Posts: 256 ★★
    My cycle on the anniversary deals started with tech rather than end
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    It’s never been on the same day as the events, the Sunday event is the Monday special
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    The Tech special was last Monday. You missed it.
  • RunamokUSARunamokUSA Member Posts: 381 ★★★
    Yep, tech was Day 1
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