New 1v1/ Sunday Arena idea

So, the Sunday arenas are...not great. But I think a way to make them new and interesting would be a 1v3 arena, or something similar. You pick one champion you fight one opponent. You lose you get nothing and your champion goes on Cooldown. You win, you can double or nothing, rewards for one win are 100 battle chips a versus crystal and 50 gold. You can double or nothing 4 times maximum, leading to a best case scenario of 1,600 battle chips, 16 versus crystals and 400 gold. But your health transfers from fight to fight, like a quest, but you don’t know what your next enemy is. I think this would be a really fun feature to implement, especially if they made it more difficult the more you went on, making it hard to get those maximum rewards.
I don’t know about rank rewards or points even, I was thinking more of a replacement for 1v1, but if it were to replace Sunday arena I suppose there would be milestones, not PHC shards just battle chips and maybe greater Arena Boosts?
Wont a new UC arean wher u get granmaster shard
I mean, getting like 3,200 battle chips for one character, idk. 1,600 seems fair, so long as the battles scale decently, I was thinking if you use a two star you fight two two stars, a 3 star and the last one is a r3, no higher, 4 star. Using a 6 star, idk, I guess you’d have to go Thanos and Kang teams
So much PvP as a gauntlet. Gauntlet arena seasons lol