What Champ Has Evaded And Followed You The Most Throughout Your Time In The Contest?



  • RCunhaRCunha Member Posts: 375 ★★
    I still don't have Starlord, almost 4 years and still no 4 or 5*..
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 972 ★★★
    Gad dang Hyperion! I have been playing for 4+ years and don't have him at ANY level! :#
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    IP used to evade me for quite sometime then pulled him back to back in 5* crystals :neutral:
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,637 ★★★★★
    Ajisdope wrote: »
    Gad dang Hyperion! I have been playing for 4+ years and don't have him at ANY level! :#

    Should've got a 3 star from the event when he was a reward. I did.
  • Mother_FlerkenMother_Flerken Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    5* Blade, went 0/7 back in February and luck hasn't changed since. 5* skill awakening gem and 3-4 gem still waiting for him or aegon, whichever happens first.
  • MikePendragonMikePendragon Member Posts: 87
    4* Stark Spidey was my 2nd 4 star (Venom was first, what are the odds of pulling archenemies as your first two 4 stars? lol), but SW, Quake, and Medusa are still avoiding me at 4 star level. Really want that Witch and Rapunzel!
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Assail wrote: »
    5* Blade, went 0/7 back in February and luck hasn't changed since. 5* skill awakening gem and 3-4 gem still waiting for him or aegon, whichever happens first.

    Same, and the worst part of the story is I opened 3 Juggernauts in a row from the featured crystal. Also Quake, just got her as 4* a month a go after almost 4 years, but I've lost interest in her now.
  • TendersquadTendersquad Member Posts: 198
    Been playing almost 3 years and JUST this week pulled 4*Hawkeye from a PHC. I think right now, waiting on a Morningstar
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Still don’t have that 3* war machine. 89 four stars, 22 five stars and 2 6* into the game...hhaaaa
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    Quake follows me everywhere (That's a good thing I guess). I'll never get Stark Spidey and I'm at peace with that.
  • Sheer_ColdSheer_Cold Member Posts: 183
    Sigh. It has to be Nightcrawler. Wanted him ever since that one update because his evade ability would be BEAST as AW defender.
  • Samspade23Samspade23 Member Posts: 549 ★★
    edited December 2018
    I keep getting Loki and guillotine. I hate both of them and yet I have them both as 4 star max sig. I've duped Loki twice as a 5 star and let me tell you, I dont exactly put on a party hat to cepebrate.
  • FreakydFreakyd Member Posts: 209
    I've wanted GR since he came out :/ still nothing. Would love AA and magik too but really want GR :( recently got DV though he was another one who evaded me.
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  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,568 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    Thanks @RichTheMan for putting me in the news sorry for the late reponse been busy.
  • Avengerboy99Avengerboy99 Member Posts: 99
    Initially for me it was Ghost Rider. He was always my favourite champ, a Swiss army knife, Jack of all trades. But I never got him as even a 3*. After the pains of a 5* Iron Patriot, Spider Gwen and Hulkbuster, I finally pulled him as a 5*. Now, the only champ that always escapes me is Blade. Got him from the Login calendar as 3*. Would be great if I got him as a 5*.
  • Ravenrob_33Ravenrob_33 Member Posts: 120
    A 4* gamora she is the only one of the original champs that I have yet to pull and the chances of her coming to the basic arena are slim to none at the moment I fear after that psylock I think

  • PositivePositive Member Posts: 16
    Been playing almost 4 years. Have pulled 5* ghost 3x and 4* 2x none from featured crystals but still have no 4* SW.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Let me think...

    Besides my 2*, I still have no 3*, 4* or 5* Hulk.

    I never had Moon Knight (but do I want/need him? Not really.).
  • Nonameforme2Nonameforme2 Member Posts: 14
    I spent 4 war seasons running the holy trinity. 4 star blade, 4star stark spidey, and a 3 star ghost rider. He eluded me for months as a 4 star. Finally I got him after season 5 as a 4 star! I maxed him out and He’s been on my war team ever since...
  • blakesssblakesss Member Posts: 5
    rocket loves to hop into my crystals. i cant stop getting him. the one who’s evaded me the most is medusa
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    As of right now, Phoenix and Groot. I’ve pulled Phoenix twice in my last 4 5* crystals and Groot once in a 5* and once in a 4* crystal in the last weekish. But for the longest time it was Iron Fist of every variety, who stuck to me like Juicy Fruit on my shoe in the middle of a parking lot at noon in July.

    Evaded would have been the past 20-25 champs. I have Sentry and Proxima as 5* from the champs released from late 2017 through today.

    Dr. Zola
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Up follows me, I got him from my first 3 5* crystals and have got him another 2 times since, blade evades me, opened 7 ft crystals and went for him in arena, failed, still don’t even have the 4 star
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    DR. STRANGE! I have all of the original champs except Deadpool, original Vision, and Dr. Strange. Deadpool and Vision were not in the crystals...Strange was/is! Damn his evasive hide!
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Have him as a 3 star...watch him roll past in the 4 star crystals all the time....😭
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  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Been playing since day 1 (and obviously the introduction of 5*s) and I've yet to pull 5* Magik.
  • King_L0kiB34rKing_L0kiB34r Member Posts: 218
    Star Lord and Dr. Strange have evaded me for years... got them both with in the last few months... both 4 stars... maybe someday I will see there 5* versions. The one I get the most of I think would be blade or domino... my 5* domino is already sig 200... I'm ok with getting more of them. lol
  • BgunnnzBgunnnz Member Posts: 22
    4* Ghost and twice on a 5* crystal to a Bishop and Mephisto
  • Alpha07Alpha07 Member Posts: 649 ★★
    edited January 2019
    Patchie93 wrote: »
    IP used to evade me for quite sometime then pulled him back to back in 5* crystals :neutral:

    As someone Magik evaded his whole life, I hope this happens to me with her lol.
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