Looking for alliance, AQ map5x5 and constant AW in gold 2/1

Looking for a friendly alliance, I am uncollected and have a prestige of 6689. Profile picture and best champion are below. I will pay donations and just looking for an active friendly alliance.
Any serious offers PM me on line
Id: derman789


  • NoWayBroNoWayBro Member Posts: 153
    Not being a dck just letting u know your prestige is around 5020 not 6689 didnt know the sig lvls of blade and gulk so i put them at 99 for best possible senerio. Good luck finding a place to play
  • Derman789Derman789 Member Posts: 60
    Oh yeah I forgot that it doesnt take into account masteies, well I found a good alliance anyways
  • Derman789Derman789 Member Posts: 60
    Thanks anyways good to know
  • NoWayBroNoWayBro Member Posts: 153
    👍 yw
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