Next End Game Rank up

Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
edited December 2018 in Strategy and Tips
Trying to decide between these 3 options to use my t5b on. I currently have a r5 Hype and this will be my second use of T2A and these are my only feasible options at the appropriate level. I am currently just shy of my 3rd T5b. I'm capped on t2a plus I will be doing a LOL clear on Monday so I will be in abundance of t2a.

I have done one run through Variant, dont really plan on doing the Maze, I usually run the buffet path in War in a gold 1 ally.

I have been holding out for a decent tech champ as I have a 3-4 tech gem and awakening gem ( Ghost , Sparky, Sentinel) but RNG has not been in my favour.

I am not a prestige chaser and dont plan on being one so I am leaning towards Sabretooth as I really enjoy playing him and he will help in LOL exploration eventually. My dilemma is I know how great Void is for variant chapter 3 and for the path i run, but he has worked just fine at r4 for the level i play at. I took Blade to r4 for Magik in LOL using a rank up gem from Variant, not really considering him that much as I feel he is perfect for what I need him at r4.

I would appreciate any input and advice!

Edit: Autocorrect

Next End Game Rank up 31 votes

5* r4 Void Sig 93
GamersamalasravanHeadrollerSalsamanderKennadoSpiderCoolsDoctorJCrazyjack719Jrendon13Charlie_SceneB_Dizzle_01The_red_EclipsePlagueisBanepigupompomFhfjghhggggjfhfjgRockypantherxVoodooChileLordNeoDemitriMAngusMac279 21 votes
5* r4 Blade Unawakened
Spity68Crimsontide1616Denzel116 3 votes
6* r1 Sabretooth Unawakened
Speedbumpharerabbit99sbdjdkAleorUltimatesaber32Nichj99AlexAvalon 7 votes


  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    5* r4 Void Sig 93
    Any feedback would be appreciated..
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    5* r4 Void Sig 93
    Void. Becasse he wuld help alot more that saber sabere Can help u with iceman. And this he Can du better that. And in long run. Void wuld help u vs x23 in lol when u do go for 100 procent. So im wuld go void.
  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    5* r4 Void Sig 93
    Gamer wrote: »
    Void. Becasse he wuld help alot more that saber sabere Can help u with iceman. And this he Can du better that. And in long run. Void wuld help u vs x23 in lol when u do go for 100 procent. So im wuld go void.

    Thanks for your input @Gamer!
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    edited December 2018
    6* r1 Sabretooth Unawakened
    st can stop you enemies from triggering ton of things and you can ramp his damage. what else do you need?)
    void would be capped at 5/65, so investing in st seems to be better in long run imo. also with some sinergy he can bleed, so you can benefit from deep wounds if you have it. and very nice animation for st
    also note void doesn't need to be 5/65 to reverse heal
  • edited December 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    5* r4 Void Sig 93
    Do Ghost when you get her, you'll be set for life with a maxed Ghost

    Lol mate I am so ready for a 5* Ghost. I personally know 2 guys that have pulled her in the last week and don't have a clue how good they have it. I have everything but the ISO to take her to r5.
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