Old champ buff suggestions

KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 452 ★★★
Colossus: ok I know he’s been “buffed” before but my idea with him enhancing his attack based on armor rating, not just limiting it to his special attacks. My give him a unique synergy with UC that enhances armor up abilities by 25% this would also make armor rating synergies actually useful too lol

Iron Fist: ok this one is a little simpler and that’s as much as he can stack armor breaks give him an Iceman like heavy or even just let it activate armor shatter

Abomination: Poison should be able to work for offense and defense. Nobody wants to sit there blocking/getting hit to put some poisons on someone. Also maybe even give his poison an ability accuracy reduction effect too.

And IF you really wanna go here...KK(lol):
Let her charge fury faster on heavies and either let her convert fury like Sabertooth or give her the ability to refresh her fury like Xbones and Taskmaster do...or Sp3 can refresh and increase the durations of her fury like Doc Oc does.

Anyway those are just a few simple ideas lol


  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    It’d be nice if Kabam listened to these ideas, they are pretty good IMO
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    Blax4ever wrote: »
    It’d be nice if Kabam listened to these ideas, they are pretty good IMO

    It would lol I mean I don’t consider these to be huge changes to how they’re designed, just simple buffs that would make each one a solid to good champ lol
  • N1nthcloudN1nthcloud Member Posts: 343 ★★★
    They need to buff karnak
  • N1nthcloudN1nthcloud Member Posts: 343 ★★★
    I just pulled a 6* karnak today and a contemplating on quitting the game. He is not good for attack or defense.
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    N1nthcloud wrote: »
    I just pulled a 6* karnak today and a contemplating on quitting the game. He is not good for attack or defense.

    I don’t understand people’s hate for the guy lol focused practically every other hit is a crit, plus there’s true strike lol I mean he’s def not a top tier skill champ but he’s far from terrible lol
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