Act four energy reduction

Act four takes up way to much energy and time so unless you have alot of units to buy energy refills with or a lot of cash that u drop for refills it will take way to long

Act four energy reduction 27 votes

Reduce to 2 energy per tile
NifzMrgreenBlackSaChiStrMCoC_fanSairam44Honeymonster1981ab28pBananaGrant 9 votes
Keep it at 3(Why vote for this)
LeNoirFaineantAddyosAxeCopFireDrenlinTonyStarkSpeedbumpDemonzfyreAnonymous346Sixshot1DoctorJThecrusher_9756DarthPhalThe_red_EclipseJayCeeThatOneMasterGamerOrangieAngusMac279Midnite93 18 votes


  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Keep it at 3(Why vote for this)
    Silly Rookie
  • BananaGrantBananaGrant Member Posts: 95
    Reduce to 2 energy per tile
    Well, I hope it gets reduced to 2 when act 6 comes out. We'll have two 1 energy acts, Two 2 energy acts and two 3 energy acts.
    Makes logical sense
  • TonyStarkTonyStark Member Posts: 354
    Keep it at 3(Why vote for this)
    I spent "ZERO MONEY" on act 4, and did it 100%.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    Keep it at 3(Why vote for this)
    As long as we get compensated the extra energy in non expiring energy refills I’m fine with this lol
  • DrenlinDrenlin Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    Keep it at 3(Why vote for this)
    As a short term “Christmas Special” reducing energy is fine fine but to do it permanently is unfair to anyone who complete$ it previously
  • OrangieOrangie Member Posts: 76
    Keep it at 3(Why vote for this)
    There are lots more ways to earn energy now so why is this needed?
  • ThatOneMasterGamerThatOneMasterGamer Member Posts: 813 ★★★
    Keep it at 3(Why vote for this)
    I'm doing act 4 at the moment for Uncollected and I have no problem with the energy.
  • Akarsh383Akarsh383 Member Posts: 76
    Wait for summoner appreciation week
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,778 ★★★★★
    Keep it at 3(Why vote for this)
    No need for a change. If the rest of us who did it with 3, you can too.
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