Why isn't MS reducing buffet/getting her own heal in Variant 2.1?

As the title suggests . She seems to counter buffet everywhere else ...


  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 165
    Video seems to be too large for me to post
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 165
    Best I can do. She isn't healing and his regeneration is just as potent
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Perhaps it's fixed on new content. She shouldn't get a regen buff since buffet doesn't trigger one
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 165
    I don't believe it's was a known bug. Buffet does cause them to heal and her Sig ability should reduce it. If not then she has been nerfed hard as she was THE counter for buffet and masochism
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Not really. Her sig clearly states "regen buffs".
    The regen from buffet or masoquism is not a buff. Therefore, she doesn't and shouldn't work against it.
    It is/was a known bug. Not a nerf in any way since the interaction was a bug
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 165
    I believe it is a hidden buff which is why Rogue can steal it (kind of). I've searched the forums and others agree. Kabam have not stated it was a big and she counters masochism and she did prove to be an amazing buffet counter in variant 2.1 on the path with Juggernaut. Now it's not working on the same map on the path with GG. If this hasn't been stated as a bug and mentioned in a fix then it's a silent nerf. This was a major reason why I ranked her!
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 165
    Just tried buffet in act 5 and that no longer works but she still counters masochism. Either she shouldn't counter both or should counter both. I just would like Kabam to state something officially if it is a bug instead of being a long-standing bug that suddenly gets "fixed" like AA's AAR being able to bypass stun immunity.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    That was a different case ...
    Nothing to do with AAR, and he wasn't able to stun on stun immune nodes. He just had a passive stun that worked on debuff immunity nodes
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 165
    Now you're just being picky. Ok. So it wasn't stun immune. It was debuff immune. Regardless, he was able to stun an opponent who couldn't be stunned, it was like that for a long time and then it suddenly gets fixed. It doesn't change the fact that something that MS has been able to do for a long time suddenly either gets fixed or is currently broken. May one of your favourite champs get "fixed". Haha
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 165
    Something else worth mentioning...Fate seal stops buffs from activating and I've noticed someone in another thread mention that fate seal stops buffet. Therefore fate seal is treating buffet as a buff. If MS shouldn't counter buffet then either should anyone with fate seal....e2e3yt4pa9f2.jpg
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 165
    Punisher supposedly works too. Something doesn't add up here. Some form of confirmation from Kabam on whether it is was a bug that was fixed (and that her ability to counter masochism is therefore also a bug which will be fixed) or whether it is currently a bug and she should counter buffet would be great to hear. Thanks.yfredfm9s1hx.jpg
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