Dungeon Friendship Bugs [Known Issue] [Merged Threads]

I was doing dungeon 4 with my alliance leader we made it to room 8 and won then ended it and i went to claim my dungeon friendship rewards and it would not allow me too it just popped up looking like this and i refreshed the game and it still persisted i have not played dungeons since the last patch so i am going to say it was caused by this patch but i have no definitive proof it happened this patch that is just my personal opinion as lots of bugs appear after a new update is released but some are discovered later than others
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
True, then you'll have a bunch angry people who think they are competing with someone's else's account fliping out... lol
There is an issue with the dungeon friendship bonus so it has been disabled. More info about this can be found in the announcement thread here.