6* unduped CG rank 2 or 5* duped Medusa Rank 5

I need help to make decision on ranking up 5* duped Medusa to Rank 5 or 6* Corvus, I only have 2 t5bc right now, I don’t have any 5/65, I don’t have any luck on pulling 5*, Should I get Medusa to 5/65 right now or wait for Another t5bc or maybe other 5* like sparky or domino.

6* unduped CG rank 2 or 5* duped Medusa Rank 5 61 votes

6* Corvus Undup Rank 2
ArcDeAngelusTacoScottythetaman23EvilEmpireBitterSteelATAudiDidzeeManup456SpeedbumpDrake2078Darkrider05klobberintymeExHavokG0311Crimsontide1616KrumbledkookiecorreborrejlamadisonFrivolousz21Pedritko 44 votes
5* Duped Medusa Rank 5
DalBotBashlordErza_ScarletTendersquadnameplasJohnyzeroSixshot1Savio444Stale_cornflakeTKS87AsparesbdjdkShadow_PhoneixMaldroit2LostReplica23Dr_Taint24 16 votes
Other champ
Foxhero007 1 vote


  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    6* Corvus Undup Rank 2
    Corvus, he's a 6* with far more potential to be upgraded
  • BashlordBashlord Member Posts: 225 ★★
    5* Duped Medusa Rank 5
    Go for Medusa. Use her to do LOL runs.
    Corvus cannot help you in LOL and even as 6* R1, Corvus can easily help you clear AW and Quest.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    5* Duped Medusa Rank 5
    As Bashlord said, do Medusa now and start hitting LoL to start ranking up more champs. LoL isn't the monster it used to be and she is awesome for it. Focus on making your roster more solid before making that big a jump on a champ who struggles against endgame content champs with high HP
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,141 ★★★★★
    6* Corvus Undup Rank 2
    do you need lol rewards? if you can r2 6*, I don't think so, plus you can go with 4/55 there. cg is actually useful not only in aw, but also saves your time in quests
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    6* Corvus Undup Rank 2
    If you want a top champ to crush some of the harder situations in war then CG is your guy. If you want a nice defender to park on AWD forever then medusa.
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    edited December 2018
    5* Duped Medusa Rank 5
    Really you can't go wrong with either, but Medusa has the slight edge for me. Mostly, because for things like The Maze she is far superior. Corvus struggles in those high HP fights. With Act 6 (hopefully) around the corner, I just think Medusa will serve better.

    I do believe a 6* corvus is worthy of an r2, but I think Medusa has a better shot of getting you more rewards from upcoming content. Then you can come back to looking at taking corvus up.

    Congrats either way, they're both fun to play when they're beefed up like that!

    Edit: Spelling
  • DragonlongDragonlong Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for all of your input, it’s been hard decision as those T5C are so hard for me to get, they are both really good for me, Medusa helped me thru so many monthly event, CG made act5 so much easier.
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