Who needs to reach 5/50 1st.

Jabo287Jabo287 Member Posts: 40
Both are duped 4*, which one needs to be rank 5 1st. I will be using them in AW, AQ, and Questing

Who needs to reach 5/50 1st. 16 votes

Jim0172SpiderCoolsCarlos2504OnmixCharlie_SceneCOLOSSAL_GAMERMaldroit2KngSpcFhfjghhggggjfhfjgNeoDazarasTheSpicyKnightTheSquish671SidDDragon 13 votes
Iron Man Infinity War
HMLewisAmazing_Demon05Scrubkiller_1 3 votes


  • Scrubkiller_1Scrubkiller_1 Member Posts: 152
    Iron Man Infinity War
    AW my rank 4 5* gets a guaranteed 1 to 3 kills every AW in gold 2-3 no matter what. He's a beast for utility and is EXTREMELY forgiving to play on atk because of his hp and armour. He has power control and great dmg for long fights as well as great base stats. I like killmonger, he had plenty of uses and utility, but IMIW is god-like in terms of that stuff. He massacres content and is amazing for clearing.
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