Reporting other summoners for idiotic behaviour in dungeons

I am so tired of dungeons matchmaking and getting paired with somebody who deliberately wastes the time and runs down the clock or follows the same path after I’ve called out the path I will take or doesn’t follow instructions on which node to take.
There should be the ability to view their performance or report them if they do this. It’s a waste of time and you literally can’t do anything if they decide to hold decision making for 10 mins.
Secondly, a mechanic should be brought in that if one partner wants to end, they can. And the partner that wants to go on, rather than facing a standoff, gets relocated to another summoner who is in the same situation so they can continue.
I am so tired of dungeon matchmaking and not getting compensated for the waste of resrouces when other summoners do this.
There should be the ability to view their performance or report them if they do this. It’s a waste of time and you literally can’t do anything if they decide to hold decision making for 10 mins.
Secondly, a mechanic should be brought in that if one partner wants to end, they can. And the partner that wants to go on, rather than facing a standoff, gets relocated to another summoner who is in the same situation so they can continue.
I am so tired of dungeon matchmaking and not getting compensated for the waste of resrouces when other summoners do this.
Some of these people are deliberately ruining dungeon runs out of sheet malice. It's repulsive and mean. We need a way to stop this bad behavior, which is just as much an attack on kabam as it is on decent players. Maybe a "3 strikes you're out" policy for any account that joins a dungeon run and follows thesame path as their partner or just sits at the start? Or maybe do the opposite and make the random pairing feature pair people up based on how many kills they usually get per dungeon run?
Until it's "fixed" with more tools at our disposal to handle these kinds of situations, it's just simply not worth my time ..