Having the to abilty to upgrade 3* to 4*

Im sure many of us that play this game would really like. that then givin mostly gettin 2* champions in crystals then being able to upgrade a 2* to that 4*
basicly he wants to take a 2* hero to 4*........
3 T4 Basic Cats, 1 T4 class cat, 1 T1 alpha cat, and 500k gold to take a maxed 3* to 4*. And after getting the 4th star, they would become a R2 4* (like all upgrades, the power does increase).
The biggest downside would be the cutoffs for the featured 3* arenas would be insane....
If they decided to do this, the champ would have to be maxed and at 99 sig level and then become a rank one, level one, not awakened champ of the next star level.