If ya got corvus then its a yes but her real best use is for long fights depends what you need to take down in the game if your doing story dont bother if its LOL or ROL then its going to be worth either way she can still pull through even on shorter fights
depends what you're doing i guess, i found her helpful when i didn't have any other good cosmic champs and her true accuracy comes in handy against evade/autoblock champs, but now i have better champs in my roster i find that she has less use as a 4/40... but yeah i keep her on my aw offence team because of her true accuracy
How is that?
The enemy heals not?
Her buffs are All passive?
Due to true strike?
She only negates mashocism while blocking/parrying due to her -200% ability accuracy while blocking. Her heal block, l2/l3 stun, and her armor break still trigger masochism.
Dr. Zola
Practice completing her missions. Then sit back at watch her special attacks smash.
How is that?
The enemy heals not?
Her buffs are All passive?
Due to true strike?